Member Since: 13/07/2006
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Influences: Jacques Brel achieved fame through his performances in France, but he was born in Belgium and identified himself strongly with his linguistically divided native land. His acidly humorous lyrics target the hypocrisies of groups as well as individuals, with special attention to Belgium's Flemish population, the military, and the bourgeoisie in general. At the same time, some of Brel's most affecting songs contain passages in Flemish, and many of his lyrics show a pronounced fondness for his "flat country." Brel's irreverent approach to life was sharply reflected in his music and films and can be compared to that of Bob Dylan in the U.S. and Vladimir Vysotsky in Russia, with whom he also shared a capacity for tongue-twisting patter not heard since the early days of Danny Kaye. On this CD, "Le Plat Pays," "Au Suivant," and "Les Bourgeois" illustrate both the somber and raucous aspects of his extensive repertoire.
Brel's acute perception made him an innovative and creative painter of daily life with rare poetic ease. He was a master poet. His intelligent use of words was striking and simple, exhibiting a very visual and meaningful vocabulary. Few of his peers are considered to match his skill in fitting as much novelty and meaning in a sentence from a few words of common use.
Type of Label: Major