Travel, Technology, and your mom.
Name Capt'n Desus
Hometown Punxsutawney
Currently Living In Pine Bank (mon - fri) Monroeville Punxsy (sat - Sun)
Today You.... Just woke up, so I'll have to let you know.
Favorite Outfit Hard Hat and some Steel Toes
Went to School at.... Punxsy H.S.
Favorite Food Steak an potatoes
Beverage of Choice mmmmm..... Beer.
Worst Job Ever... Saw Mill, stacking lumber.
If You Could Own Any Three Vehicles They Would Be.... Accord, 300M ltd, 512TR Testarosa
Favorite Band is... Metallica
All Time Favorite Song... 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall
All Time Worst Lyrics are... Banrey's Theme song
3 Words Describing Your Friends... Working, Sleeping or Drinking
3 Words Best Describing You... Rich and successful
3 Words Describing Those You're Attracted To... adventurous, fun, interesting.
Best Movie Ever... grr.. tough one
During the Week You... lay pipe, seriously.
Weekends are... for spending a lil cash, and drinking some beers
Longest Relationship 4yrs
Favorite Memory First day in St Thomas
If You Could Live Anywhere Where Would it Be the moon, think about it, it would be sweet.
Old Friend You Wish You Could See More Bob
Have You Traveled Out of the Country? shits yeah
Any Pets? At the parents, I need my own though.
Children? HA
Biggest Turn On's eye's I guess
Biggest Turn Off's Armpit hair
Favorite Color gween
Your Vice is... Dick Cheney (I can't beleive he made it into this survey)
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Space Ghost and or Brak
Well I just picked up the Guitar in Jan of 04, and I'm all self taught, so I have this new found appreciation of music. Ofther than that I like alot of classic rock, new rock, I.E. Metallica, korn, sublime, eagles, supervillians, and whatever Jason Mack says is cool.
LOTR Trilogy, Tombstone, Top Gun, Akira, Fear, Daron Arannofsky, Fear and Loathing, Fight Club, All DISNEY movies, American History X, Die Hard Trilogy, Gone in 60 sec, Once apon a time in Mexico, House of 1000 Corpses, The Wall, A romance comedy every once in a while (for the ladies)
Considering the overwhelming amount of "Quality" reality TV, I pretty much stick to Discovery Channels, ESPN, and the weather channel . Family Guy, Futurama, Sealab 2021, Space Ghost is the man. (so are you brak)
ATTENTION DEFICIET DISor....... wooo look a bunny rabbit
Macho Man Randy Savage, and SpoungeBob, Mom, Jas0n,