Sincerely Abraham profile picture

Sincerely Abraham

Nothin' like hot cockels..... ..

About Me

I once ate a 3 lb. hamburger and salad and cheese cake and ice cream in one sitting. I would do again in a heartbeat, but I would have to top it some how.

I want a Triceratops! I would name it "ButterSteak!"

I hate biting into something soft and hitting something hard. I hate people who use vinegar to clean pee-pee. They might as well just leave the pee. It's fuckin stupid.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Tremendous poise.


All of my favorite singers have stolen all of my best lines.
..... ..


.Film Noir, Horror, Woody Allen,King Kong (circa 1933),
stock footage of anything, and fried green tomatoes the third time I watched it...fuckin syke!



More Ozzy than Harriet ... but more Laura than Rob.


Bukowski, Vonnegut, Chuckky P., Woody Allen, Jhonen Vasguez, Graphic novels,


mom, dad, and sister, Robert Mitchum, Mac McCaughan, Brendon Small, comedians

My Blog

Birthday; Parts; 11-14(end)

      11.      Lights off. Clothes off. In bed and thinking how surprised I am. Here I thought I would be sleeping alone tonight and sure the other si...
Posted by Sincerely Abraham on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 03:46:00 PST

Birthday; Parts 7-10

7.     So I guess Im 23. Scan body. Whats different? My diet sucks. My teeth hurt. My molars. My enamel and my patients for myself are wearing thin. Both result in the same type of cle...
Posted by Sincerely Abraham on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 03:29:00 PST

My Birthday story, Parts 1-6

1.  And now Im a lovesick pedestrian. Watching my faithful red truck pull away from my party and out of my life. The very truck that brought me to this town. The same truck that carted me on my f...
Posted by Sincerely Abraham on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 02:10:00 PST