i hang out with my favorites
im interested in him
if i ever met this man, i would be the happiest person in the whole entire world!!! =]
The Roloff family ♥ =]
im really into anything..i love music! the only music i cant listen to is screaming music...i dont like that..but everything else is good for me =)
Billy Joel
The Notebook - i love
i love to watch the food network..the only thing i really can't stand on the channel is the Iron Chef...i don't like that show..i like to watch anything on MTV also..i just love TV in general and whatever catches my eye at the time i will watch
"...there was a fire. It was just a grass fire out behind our house. We took some brooms and beat it. I guess what we really did was fan it because it just kept getting bigger until the Fire Department finally came. They could tell where it was because of all the flaming brooms we were waving around in the air, trying to put them out." - A Seperate Piecethis was the only part of the book that made me smileee..but other wise i really dont read much =/
The Roloffs