Jazny profile picture


About Me

Layout by CoolChaser

Relativly short survey for a myspace about me section
Color?: i've thought about this long and hard and finally concluded that it's light blue
Article of clothing?: jeans - you can't go wrong
Band?: i
Song?: such a hard q but ultimately, 'autopilot' by QotSA is too beautiful not to mention...
Movie?: hmm... i don't really have one...
Tv Show?: comedy! especially prank-based comedy like balls of steel and trigger happy tv
Thing to do on a Saturday night?: acid! no, i dunno, it surely depends on one's mood (never done acid either) =)
Break-up song?: who wants to listen to shit that reminds them of breaking up?
"I'm in love" song?: whatever reminds you of the person you're in love with?
This or That:
late night or early morning?: who in their RIGHT MIND would go for the latter option?!
hugs or kisses?: both
ice cream or cake?: cake, not too fussed about ice-cream at all...
sleeping in or napping?: napping, i'm not programmed to sleep in anymore but i can 'nap' if i'm tired enough
cars or trucks?: cars... i'm not that fussed about either though, if truth be told...
In a guy or girl:
Hair?: ginger!!! honestly... but i'm not REALLY that bothered
Eyes?: i don't care, so long as he's not a cyclops...
Height?: taller than me
Style?: dunno, not that fussed
In your future:
In 1 year you will be?: still not psychic...
In 5 years you will be?: who knows, who knows...
When do you want to get married?: when i'm with the right person
Where do you want to live?: somewhere more laid-back but with a harsher attitude towards twats - here is fine for now though...
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My Interests

A lot of things that occur in everyday life interest me...

I'd like to meet:

Persons who are intelligent and funny, got a massive weakness for people who make me giggle...any guitarist who can play at least a couple of songs from QotSA's first two albums...and people who aren't afraid to argue (reasonably) and don't just agree with everything you say because it's easier. Yep, that's who I'd like to meet.


gay (just to see if a 'sponsored link' about gayness appears)...


Hardly ever seem to watch them but I like films that are somewhat psychologically dark or have a basis in fact, or are at least inspired by real events...I hate films that are predictable so that you know what the ending will be when you've only just started watching...


Comedy (Mighty Boosh, Balls of Steel, Family Guy, etc...)


The Stranger Beside Me - Ann Rule
Method and Madness of Monsters - Peter Vronsky
Helter Skelter - Vincent Bugliosi
Every Harry Potter book haha