A lot of things that occur in everyday life interest me...
Persons who are intelligent and funny, got a massive weakness for people who make me giggle...any guitarist who can play at least a couple of songs from QotSA's first two albums...and people who aren't afraid to argue (reasonably) and don't just agree with everything you say because it's easier. Yep, that's who I'd like to meet.
gay (just to see if a 'sponsored link' about gayness appears)...
Hardly ever seem to watch them but I like films that are somewhat psychologically dark or have a basis in fact, or are at least inspired by real events...I hate films that are predictable so that you know what the ending will be when you've only just started watching...
Comedy (Mighty Boosh, Balls of Steel, Family Guy, etc...)
The Stranger Beside Me - Ann Rule
Method and Madness of Monsters - Peter Vronsky
Helter Skelter - Vincent Bugliosi
Every Harry Potter book haha