Violet_Rene profile picture


KORN KORN KORN KORN KORN KORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

hi, my name is lani rene
i go to chaffey college, i also went to chaffey high and i'm still a tiger lol
i know lame sorry i do love going to school! i like learning new things but i'm not that smart
i would love to become an astronomer but i don't think thats gonna happen i love going outside at night and just look up at the stars thats one of my favorite thing to do
i also love dancing in the moonlight
so i'm undecided for now, what i want to be
i think it would be cool to a pin up modal thats the only kind of modal i would ever be i always wanted to be a ballerina but i can't dance lol
i'm 19 so far it sux 18 was better, i loved it!
i don't drive yet sadly but hopefully i will soon!
i'm saving for a car
i'm kinda a loner
i do have two best friends ever Caroline and Corazon, i'll do anything for them
when i first meet new people i'm shy
i don't have a lot to say in person but when i'm hyper i talk non-stop i can texts all day and not get tired of it
a lot of people call me weird
i do lie sometimes cuz some people believe anything and i think it's funny but i end up telling them the truth right after
i do hate it when people lie and a month later they tell the truth i do believe in karma so i can't do anything bad i hate it when people are mean to others whats the point? if they play around and the other person knows it, it's fine i don't do drugs or drink i hate it when people smoke around me i don't like thinking of bad thing cuz then bad stuff happens so i try to think of the good i am really gullible and stubborn Jamba Juice is the best thing ever! i love walking my dog, it's relaxing
hm i don't know what else to say so it you want to know more just massage mecodes from msnerds!layouts and more at static!

My Interests

Rock on! You're Munky, one of the quintet's amazing
guitarists. You're sort of an odd guy, but that
makes you unique. You're also the only member
of KoRn that doesn't have any children. You're
a rock star, that's a good thing. Children
cramp your style with the ladies.

What Member of KoRn Are You?
brought to you by QuizillaMunky married Stephanie on January 15 2001 in Carmel, California. Munky and Stephanie recently had a daughter named Carmella Star who was born on June 24, 2001.
who will u have sex with from koRn? by kornfan69332
u will have sex with
this many times 930
his saticfaction level: 59%

Quiz created with MemeGen !
Free Flash Games ..
Your Suicide.. by Konstantine
Your Name/Username
Favorite Number?
Favorite Color?
How will you commit suicide? You will slit your wrists
How many tries will it take? 43
When will you commit suicide? March 18, 2016
What will your suicide note say? This broken heart will never mend, so never shall I breathe again

Quiz created with MemeGen !

I'd like to meet:

anyone that is true to them self, fun to be around with, go getters


♥ all kinds♥ whats on my playlist is what i listen to the most korn used to be my favorite band but not anymore...good day sunshine by the beatles, is my all time favorite mom always sings me that song...


all of batmans, beetlejuice, the crow, edward scissorhands, fallen, lost boys, mostly all of old disney & Warner Bros. movies and more but i can't think of anything else


i love that show! me and my sister watch it all the time


REAL HEROES RICHARD A. PEREZ JR.Music Heroes: Beatle:John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George