People, Cars, Movies, Love, Desires, Cake, Animal Fries at In N Out, TV, Boi, Inner beauty, Art, Design,
What is a good quote for you?
by grlinterupted
Say what?? "If your going to get in trouble for it, you might as well do it."
Quiz created with MemeGen !
Mr. Hartnett= yummy
I will listen to anything... It depends on the mood too you know... Sometimes you want a little slow more feeling type music, sometimes you sing a long to some country, and then sometimes it comes out, you rock it like a gay boi should! This will happen
Anything and everything, of coarse there is those movies
that you can watch over and over again that never bore...
Mean Girls, Any Desperate Housewives Season, Ace Ventura, Jack Ass, Madagascar, To Wong Fu, any Julia Roberts movie, and so much more that are not coming to me right now at 1am.
Desperate House Wives; Its Hilarious!
Will and Grace, American Idol, Golden Girls, Friends, Frasier, Parental Control, Fresh Prince, and Rosanne... I love that bitch!!!!
Wait, so ppl actually have favortie books, I thought it was 2007!
The little blue peanut M & M Guy. Charlie Brown of coarse
My brother, for his ever lasting success and life management. Good luck on Broadway!!!!!