Who is ELLA?ELLA fights against domestic violence and child abduction. We educate kids it's ok to say NO to any uncomfortable touch, and stop being bullied around. We empower women and give them tools to avoid violence and abduction.
RAD Basic, RAD Advance, RAD Keychain, radKIDS.
According to FBI statistics, 30% of female murder victims in 1990 were killed by their husbands or boyfriends. That is approximately 3000 women.
According to Highlights of the Youth Internet Safety Survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice “one in five children (10 to 17 years old) receive unwanted sexual solicitations online.â€
"38% of non family abducted children were abducted by a friend or long term acquaintance, 5% by a neighbor, 6% by persons of authority and 4% by a caretaker or babysitter." NISMART II October 2002
Every Little Bit Helps Your tax-deductible contribution, no matter what the size, is always welcome. 100% of every dollar donated goes to programs and services. ELLA Group is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt educational organization. Please message me if you have any questions. We value your support.
In The News
8/7/07 KVOA, Channel 4: Attempted sexual assault at UA student's apartment - As students return to campus, the Turco sisters show us how to defend ourselves. more/watch video9/26/06 La Estrella de Tucsón: Enseñan en ELLA a defenderse click here8/9/06 Arizona Daily Star: Self-defense class also aims to build women's self-esteem click here
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