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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Check out my band page, Hello Anarchist . I do some guitar stuff, experimental stuff, and spoken word/poetry.
Another project I'm involved in is an anthology of poetry by Staten Island-based writers called Trails Through the Greenbelt . Check out our website and our MySpace for the latest updates!

If no one out there understands
Start your own revolution and cut out the middleman
--Billy Bragg, "Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards"

There's only one way of life
And that's your own.
--Levellers, "One Way"

Sum me up in some words? existentialist, genderqueer eco-anarcho-feminist. crunchy earth mama. (as with all things relating to the earth, expect natural disasters.) eats shoots and leaves. reads poetry/spoken word at open mikes and sings Tracy "Everything's *FINE*!!!" Bonham too often at karaoke. prone to the occasional fit of sadness, but overcomes. survivor. loves quiet, but needs music in the car. hugs a lot. cries just enough. understands that everything is political. critical but caring. listens. feels. cares. laughs. lives. loves. respects. kinda naive. very stubborn. socially awkward at times. kinda spacey. very geeky. self-deprecating. neurotically self-aware. strives for change. strives for peace. strives to understand. will kick ass, if necessary.

I'm a card-carrying riot nrrd. Ask me about Mersenne primes or how to count up to 1023 on 10 fingers. I'm outspokenly political and tend to go on rants. I'm unapologetically feminist, pro-choice, pro-gay rights, and anti-war, and nobody's arguments have ever been able to persuade me otherwise. I make soaps, bath products, and jewelry. I make music and poetry. I've been told that I'm a hippie without the drugs and rampant promiscuity.

I've been blessed with some of the most awesome, intelligent, caring, kind, and crazy bunches of friends the Goddess ever created. I love them all so much my heart aches with joy (and'd they get there???) I have the ability to fall asleep anywhere.

I make an okay living without selling out to corporate Amerika. meant, what kind of music I listen to and what kind of clothing my friends wear?

Nobody's that simple.

I'm going upfield, way up on the hillside
I'm going higher than I've ever been before
That's where you'll find me, over the horizon
Wading in the river, reaching for that other shore
I dreamed I saw a tree full of angels, up on Primrose Hill
And I flew with them over the Great Wen till I had seen my fill
Of such poverty and misery sure to tear my soul apart
I've got a socialism of the heart, I've got a socialism of the heart
I'm going upfield, way up on the hillside
I'm going higher than I've ever been before
That's where you'll find me, over the horizon
Wading in the river, reaching for that other shore
The angels asked me how I felt about all I'd seen and heard
That they spoke to me, a pagan, gave me cause to doubt their word
But they laughed and said: "I doesn't matter if you'll help us in our art
You've got a socialism of the heart, you've got a socialism of the heart"
I'm going upfield, way up on the hillside
I'm going higher than I've ever been before
That's where you'll find me, over the horizon
Wading in the river, reaching for that other shore
Their faces shone and they were gone and I was left alone
I walked these ancient empire streets till I came tearful to my home
And when I woke next morning, I vowed to play my part
I've got a socialism of the heart, I've got a socialism of the heart
I'm going upfield, way up on the hillside
I'm going higher than I've ever been before
That's where you'll find me, over the horizon
Wading in the river, reaching for that other shore

--Billy Bragg, "Upfield"

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

an octopus. Wouldn't you like to meet an octopus?

I would also like to make new friends in the NYC area, especially around Bed-Stuy, where I just recently moved. I would like to meet people who know natural, humane ways to keep the roaches out of my stuff.

Who I'd prefer not to meet:
I don't want to meet people who hate fat people, and I don't want to meet people who fetishise fat women. I don't want to meet people who criticise Bush as being "too liberal". I don't want to meet people who don't wear shirts in their default profile pictures. I don't want to meet people who think their hairstyle somehow makes them eligible for sundry sex acts. I don't want to meet people who think their scene gives them superpowers. I don't want to meet people who think they're Batman. I don't want to meet people who eschew the kazoo for morality purposes. I don't want to meet people who don't have the souls of octopi. I don't want to meet a centipede, nor do I want to meet a person who thinks they are a centipede, or were a centipede in a former life, or aspires to be a centipede in a future life. I don't want to meet a cannibalistic zombie, because I don't know how to use a gun, and I don't want to be shoving pencils in anyone's eyes in order to prevent the possibility of my reanimated corpse terrorising the living. I don't want to meet anyone who needs any of this explained to them.

If you are afraid of or dislike Bea Arthur and Betty White, please keep away from me. This is for your own good, as I am required by my intensive religious instruction to thwack you roughly and non-methodically with a large rubber trout. You may think it's funny, but it hurts more than you could ever imagine.

I'd prefer not to meet you. I've seen you around town. I know your game. I know you're up to no good, what with your guerilla miming tactics.

My Blog

Tonight was absolutely awesome

Hey guys,Tonight was absolutely awesome, and I want to thank everyone who came out, because it was just a great cause, great energy, great poetry, great people. And thank you so much, Pia, for letting...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 22:36:00 GMT

cds + cassettes for sale!

*READ THIS FIRST*All trades cash, in-person only (for the time being, anyway.)If you're interested in buying any of them, email me at or message me on MySpace ( ...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 00:58:00 GMT

The tag thingie...blame Jack

**the 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "6 weird habits/things/about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog about their 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 21:15:00 GMT


The following is from Thanksgiving: A Native American View Thanksgiving: A Native American View By Jacqueline Keeler, Pacific News Service. Posted January 1, 2000. For a Native American, the ...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 21:54:00 GMT

the fundamentals of gender theory

There are two types of gender-based dichotomies: Those that are oppressive, and those that are really fucking oppressive.
Posted by on Sun, 25 Sep 2005 15:19:00 GMT

August 2nd: PARTY!

I've pretty much decided that instead of having a regular old birthday party, I'm (weather-permitting) going to do a reading room/book trade/book sale. I say weather-permitting, because it would have ...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Jul 2005 23:46:00 GMT

Alix Olson in NYC!

Hey guys! One of my favourite activists/slam poets, Alix Olson, is doing 4 shows in NYC at the end of August, from the 27th-30th. The performances are in the afternoons. All these shows are parts o...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Jul 2005 23:42:00 GMT


I'm off to the UK for 2 weeks. Take care, peopleses!
Posted by on Tue, 05 Jul 2005 17:36:00 GMT


Hey you! (Yah, *YOU*) Sick of spending the 4th of July inside, hiding from all those scary nationalists who are really deluded into thinking everything's ok with the world, and that what's wrong wi...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Jul 2005 03:48:00 GMT


I have no intentions of regularly blogging here, as I'm perfectly ok at lj. Some may know me as jedicat.
Posted by on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 08:22:00 GMT