Coven of the Silver Garden profile picture

Coven of the Silver Garden

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Welcome to the Coven of the Silver Garden!
We're open to questions, shout-outs, queries, and people who wander in to say hi. If you're not a wiccan, but have questions about wiccan beliefs, I hope you'll feel comfortable enough to ask, as there are a lot of serious misconceptions out there about what we're about.
The Coven of the Silver Garden is a very small, relaxed, eclectic organization for witches to come together to celebrate our beliefs through ritual, learning and fellowship. We take a "Montessorian" approach to practicing witchcraft: learning by doing, and letting you learn in your own way. If you feel like you are ready for something more than books alone, we are a good place to come and grow.
We draw our sources from wherever our curiosity might take us, especially, of late, Celtic influences.
To become a member of The Coven of the Silver Garden, you must meet an attendance requirement of 80% for rituals and sabbats, and you must demonstrate a steady rate of progress in your self-education and mastery of practice, for a period of six months to "a year and a day." We're also looking for adults, both female and male, who like to get out and do things --pagan-related, and otherwise-- as we are a very fun-loving coven, open to new experiences and people!
We meet on Saturday afternoons. That's early enough for everyone to go out --obviously, excepting ritual nights. We rotate our responsibilities for ritual, and each priestess or priest determines the tradition, pantheon, and form that we will use when she assumes responsibility for the ritual.
Although some friction is to some extent unavoidable,it is our expectation that all members resolve the inevitable occasional conflict in a healthy, respectful, and low-key manner at all times. Failure to do so will result in separation from the coven. It is also our expectation that our members will strive for a life of tolerance of differences in culture, lifestyle, differing abilities, and other religions, including christianity and other monotheistic religions.
We laugh at our mistakes, for all acts of pleasure and love are worship of the Goddess. We value our friendships within the coven highly, and treat each other accordingly.
Topics for discussion vary according to the needs of each witch, but might include: how to cast a circle, how to call the quarters, consecration of your magickal tools, how to write your own spells, tarot, scrying, tea leaves and other forms of divination, dream interpretation, writing poetry for liturgy, ethical practice, covencraft, knowledge of herbs, gems, and candle magick, animal totems, past life regression, writing guided visualizations, meditation, vision quests, chakra work, or soul retrieval, depending on your level of development and curiosity. Bring us a question, share your newest interest and your sense of wonder; we'll learn together!
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moon phases

My Blog


Dream Magick For centuries, sleep and dreams have been widely used in the magickal/spiritual practices of many cultures. Many feel that dreams reveal much to the dreamer and, sometimes, if one focuses...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 06:56:00 GMT

The Witches Rune

     Witch of the NorthDate: Mar 5, 2008 11:27 AM NvbS9hbGJ1bXMvbDIxL1Jvc3dlbGxfMTk3NS9XaXRjaGVzLz9hY3Rpb249dm lldyZjdXJyZW50PUFj...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 00:54:00 GMT

Triformis Liturgy, Drawing Down the Moon

These are passages from a book called Le Morte D'Avalon by J. Robert King. I found them so beautiful I wanted to keep them for ritual.  . . . "She suddenly understood who her voices were. "I'm j...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 01:53:00 GMT

Imbolc 2007 Ritual

This ritual is a combination of our standard full moon rite, and Imbolc ritual taken from Sandra Kynes, A Year in Ritual.Checklist:anointing oilorange chalkbesomelemental candlesorange candlescandle h...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 05:24:00 GMT

Guided Visulaization upon Hecate

  Guided VisualizationInvite your coven-mates to close their eyes and take three measured breaths, turning inward. Let them saturate themselves in reposeful silence. Do so, yourself. Proceed to a...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 14:52:00 GMT

Reverse look-up of Magickal Ingredients

BEAUTYanchoviesavacado chervilcypressevening primrosehibiscushoney Irish mosslemonmushroomolivepalmarosapearaisinsardineambercat's eyejasperopalzircon, orangePROTECTIONaloearrowrootartichokeasfoetidaa...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 08:19:00 GMT

Simple Exercise for Replenishing Energy and Healing and Cleansing the Chakras

Simple Exercise for Replenishing Energy and Healingby Kyriacos C. Markides...Close your eyes and sit in a comfortable upright position...Begin to breathe deeply and comfortably. Breathe easily and dee...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 09:12:00 GMT

The "Other" Coven Rules :)

Coven RulesDear Ones:Every Coven should have some rules that people can look at so they know what sort of conduct is appropriate or inappropriate for members, andknowing them being helpful to harmony ...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 16:29:00 GMT

Laws of the Silver Garden

The Coven of the Silver Garden has found it necessary to adopt a body of laws to give the coven greater stability and to be proactive in heading off potential problems. These laws, of course, are desi...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 10:44:00 GMT