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100 % grade A richard

About Me

so I guess my name is rick not quite sure about that though I like taco's and I'm a dick.other than that I am not very interesting,so dont waste your time talking to me you will be bored to death.I follow every trend I can find because a person is what they choose to wear.long walks in the industrial complex are the best, maybe its just the chemicals talking but that place is sublime.I only want to listen to the radio because the dj chooses my music for me.thats really all you need to know about me

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My Interests

music,artwork of all kinds, bass guitar, my line of work, peoples,any kind of motor vehicle, guns,tanks,a.a.v's,skateboarding,the timeless art of making alcohol,all forms of religion,and the art of dealing with the police,old people,string theory,our very own oceans(we know more about space than our own oceans) ancient egypt,fuckin skateboarding,and snowboarding the boarding season cometh,and many more interests but i dont want to list anymore.oh yeah and i am fascinated by eyeballs for some odd fucking reason

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet you we could alter our consciousness and enjoy the illusions our deceitful eyes bring us...


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fear and loathing in las vegas,dogma,the hills have eyes, gummo,kids,requiem for a dream, reservoir dogs,crash,28 days later,the truman show,equal librium,187,man on fire,where the buffalo roam,300,full metal jacket,alpha dog,cannibal the musical, ummm there is a lot more but i dont want to list them.


dont watch much tv dont really like it..well maybe family guy,and aqua teen mother fucking hunger force,oo oo and metalocalypse.


the art of war,cradle and all,the catcher in the rye,the,anything written by hunter s.thompson and anything else i find interesting.


not really sure on the whole hero thing

My Blog

education rant......

As the title reads,this is my little rant on our current education standards. This is a subject that has bothered me for a long time but today someone pulled the trigger. I am disgusted by our youth a...
Posted by richard on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 11:50:00 PST

and we took what terence mckenna would call a heroic dose

countless times you tried, to cross mine fields. every time it cripples you, leaves you lifeless. this time I hope you were right, I hope you planned your route. because you have few limbs left, and t...
Posted by richard on Tue, 22 May 2007 11:31:00 PST

female training seminar

I came across this and every woman should attend this 1. Elementary Map Reading 2. Crying and Law Enforcement 3. Advanced Math Seminar: Programming Your VCR 4. You CAN Go Shopping for Less than 4 Hou...
Posted by richard on Thu, 17 May 2007 11:52:00 PST


Can't get you out of my head, it makes no sense. paint me green, nothing is real anymore. put your face on, stage your play. how can you gleam, with such pretension. close your eyes and let yourself f...
Posted by richard on Sun, 13 May 2007 11:23:00 PST

I am going to get baptised mormon

my leg itches but hey I got you to read it ahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! sucker
Posted by richard on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 01:39:00 PST