painting, drawing, scaring people, high tech stuff, california, the beach, camping, big families, pretty girls who dont think they are pretty, airsoft, break dancing, x-box, planning ways to take over the world.
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old friends, new friends, and strange an wacky people who like doing the same things i do
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i have 3 heros; the first is JOB for not really knowing what to do but still stuck to what he belived in when the worst happend. the second is for DAN i remember once while we were in campmeeting the speaker did an alter call and usually everyone gets up but not Dan, not caring what the world thought of him, he didnt get up because he didnt feel it was the right time. so when he was baptised i was sure he had made up his mind, this is the right time. the third is my DAD.. at first i really didnt look up to him but i remember when we were little he used to come home with oily and greasy hands and i used to be sickend but when i was stationed in virginia and i came home frome a hard day at work from the motorpool i sat on the couch looked at my hands and i saw my dads hands tired and torn but still willing to do more to support his family. when i saw my dad in that paper for bringing the kids to vacation bible school. i saw a picture of my dad standing next to te one kid who got baptised out of all of them i felt proud of my dad. from where and when he came from to where he is now...