FLoRenTino profile picture


Your future depends on what you do in the present. Remember that the choices you make now, will affe

About Me

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Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

Attention Friends: PLEASE READ ---- Well, I'm a pretty easy-going guy who doesn't let a lot of things bother me. A lot of my friends say that I'm a pretty patient guy even though things get rough sometimes. They say that I should be a manager of something someday because they say that it's a good virtue to have. I laughed :-). Over the years, I've learned the value of acceptance and commitment. There are many misconceptions about who a person really is based on how they look, what they wear, how much money they make, where they're from and so forth. It is painful at times to learn that some people already made up their mind about a person without attempting to get a closer look at that person. I find it disturbing, but at the same time, it has taught me a significant understanding of how we shall take the time to get to know a person before passing on any judgement. You might be astounded how wonderful a person really is! With the different people I meet everyday , I have come to grip the worth of acceptance; acceptance of who you are as a person and acceptance of people around us. Being able to obtain bliss in life is being able to love yourself completely and realize that there will be imperfections, but we shall work on them to find ways to improve ourselves rather than mope around and pick on other individuals to amplify our personal insecurities. Commitment is a monumental necessity to achieve whatever dreams we may have. I personally believe that everything you aspire is attainable as long as we make a commitment to work harder towards whatever we dream for ourselves. With constant hope and perseverance, we will always prevail in our endeavors. Never be afraid to fail, because I know the lessons of failure will aid you in the future to achieve loftier ambitions and perspectives in life. Ok well, enough of the wise sappy stuff :-). I like to go out and have fun with friends. I like to party and go out drinking and socializing. It's always nice to get away from working all the time!! ..... .... .....

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My Interests

... Martial Arts, singing, going out to the movies, watching the Golden State Warriors win!

I'd like to meet:

Jessica Alba or the girl who plays Lana Lang in "Smallville" but back to reality, I like to meet all kinds of people. Smallville video - "Smile":
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R and B, Hip-hop, alternative, slow jams, freestyle high-energy, classical, even Vietnamese and Spanish music :-), pretty much almost everything


Jet Li movies, Rush Hour, movies with action and comedy


Smallville, MacGyver (for those who remember that TV show - wasn't it cool how he could make things out of anything?! Hee-hee!!), Friends, The Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno, and I love watching the news-NBC11, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (especially love the Carlton dance)----

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com


Joy Luck Club, almost any book that I could put my hands on when I'm in Barnes and Nobles :-)


My Mom, Dad and my brothers and sister and.....

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com
