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Niv-Gat Herzog

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Native American Animal Birth Totems - The Crow Sep22-Oct22 Birth and animal totem: Crow Moon: Ducks Flying Moon Season Aspect: Falling Leaves Time Wind Relation: West winds Directional Relation: South-west Element Relation: Air Elemental clan: Butterfly Clan Plant totem: Ivy Mineral totem: Azurite Polarity with: Falcon Color Aspect: Blue Musical vibration: A natural Personality: Tolerant and friendly Spiritual energy: Feminine energies Emotions: Sensitive Positive traits: Diplomatic, often romantic and overly optimistic Negative traits: Gullible, indecisive and often holds a grudge Compatibilities: Otter and Deer Conscious Desire: Partnership Subconscious desire: Balance and harmony Spiritual Path: Peace and balance Strengths: Caution, making decisions and letting go Weakness: Taking sides, indecision and trusting to much Crow Keywords - Peaceful, Intelligent, Charming, Idealistic, Romantic, Tricky.Birth Totem Crow is an individual whose outer personality is driven by the quest to bond with another. By design, the Crow is a highly curious creature, imbued with a remarkable degree of intelligence. Despite such intelligence, this heightened curiosity will often lead Crow in the path of unforeseen danger. As he follows the glimmering call of a shiny penny, he is oblivious to the encroaching threat of an oncoming vehicle, so intent is he upon retrieving the fascinating object. Birth Totem Crow individuals can become so focused upon the goal of attaining partnership, that other areas of their daily life may tend to be ignored, eventually leading to some crisis of faith, health or practical consideration that will realign them, at least temporarily, to the bills needing to be paid or the vehicle in need of repair.In Nature, the Crow is part of a community of other Crows, and thus, they are very social, preferring the company of their fellow winged ones (and even the company of two-leggeds), to being alone. Like their Animal brothers and sisters, Birth Totem Crow will seek companionship and interactions with others almost compulsively. The underlying force that drives one who is operating from the personality centre of this Birth Totem, is a fear of being alone and faced with their own company. Because so much of the focus and attention for one with this Birth Totem is exerted upon relating to, and pleasing "others" they have learned very little about themselves and thus, have not developed the relationship with the inner self that is requisite for a soul to fully integrate as it moves along the sacred hoop of physical life.Once Crow individual takes the time to go within and learn about themselves, their role along the Red Road, and the lessons they have chosen to come and learn, they will then discover all of the shiny and fascinating aspects of themselves that they have been blessed with. This may then take them on a journey toward a deep and abiding relationship to the self, consequently adding even more to their relationships with others. Thus, the attainment of the higher intent for this Birth Totem may be had - to know true balance and harmony. Goose Dec22-Jan19 Otter Jan20-Feb18 Wolf Feb19-Mar20 Falcon Mar21-Apr19 Beaver Apr20-May20 Deer May21-Jun20 Woodpecker Jun21-Jul21 Salmon Jul22-Aug21 Bear Aug22-Sep22 Crow Sep22-Oct22 Snake Oct23-Nov22 Owl Nov23-Dec21
Name: Darrell Gene martin
Birthdate: 10/7/87
~ ** Erin ** ~ Date: Jul 20, 2006 9:34 AMThis is how you should treat your girlfriend, that is if you want to keep her around for a long time... and if you like her a lot or even love her. You should at least1. Tell her she is beautiful2. Hold her hand at any moment . . . even if its just for a second.3. Hug her from behind4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to.5. When she is upset, hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you.6. Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most.7. If you're talking to another girl, when your done talking, walk over and hug her and kiss her....let her know she's yours and they arent.8. Write her notes or call her just to say "hi"9. Introduce her to your friends . . . as your girlfriend.10. Play with her hair.11. Pick her up (she loves it)12. Get upset if another guy touches her inapropriately13. Make her laugh14. Let her fall asleep in your arms.15. If she's mad at you, kiss her.16. If you care about her, then (we all know this is a challenge) TELL HER!17. Every guy should give their girl 3 things: a stuffed animal(she'll hug it everytime she goes to sleep), jewlery(will treasure it forever), and one of his t-shirts (she'll most likely wear it to bed) and don't forget to bring her flowers or something special once in a while.18. TREAT HER THE SAME AROUND YOUR FRiENDS AS YOU DO WHEN YOUR ALONE!19. Look her in the eyes and smile.20. Hang out with her on weekends (guys, this WILL NOT, i repeat WILL NOT kill you)21.Kiss her in the rain (girls love this)22. dance with her in the rain23. If your listening to music, let her listen too.24. Remember her birthday and get her something, even if its simple and inexpensive, it came from YOU. it means all the world to HER.25. when she gives you a present on your birthday, Christmas, or just when ever, take it and tell her you love it, even if you don't (itll make her happy.)26. Always call her when you say you will, it may not seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes her thinks you don't care so call even if you can only talk for a minute.
D Devious
A Ambitious
R Relaxed
R Rich
E Easy
L Lovable
L Little
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You Are 24 Years Old
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. What Age Do You Act?
Your Element Is Air
You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.
Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.
You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that! What's Your Element? ....

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The Boat of Time The sky calls me, The wind calls me, The moon and the stars call me. The green and the dense groves call me,The dance of the fountain calls me, Smiles call me, tears call me. A faint melody calls me. The morn, noon and eve call me.Everyone is searching for a playmate, Everyone is calling me, "Come, come!" One voice, one sound, all around. Alas, the Boat of Time sails on.Enlightenment When practitioners of Zen fail to transcend the world of their senses and thoughts, all they do has no value. Yet, when senses and thoughts are obliterated all the roads to universal mind are blocked and there is no entrance. The primal mind has to be recognised along with the senses and thoughts. It neither belongs to them nor is independent of them. Don’t build your understanding on your senses and thoughts, yet don’t look for the mind separate from your senses and thoughts. Don’t attempt to grasp Reality by pushing away your senses and thoughts. Unobstructed freedom is to be neither attached not detached. This is enlightenment." Don't look at your form, however ugly or beautiful. Look at love and at the aim of your quest. ... O you whose lips are parched, keep looking for water. Those parched lips are proof that eventually you will reach the source."Hindu Poets Hindu Poets The spiritual tradition of Hinduism has produced a rich legacy of poets. These Hindu poets have sought to express the sentiments and experiences of their spirituality. One branch of Hinduism stresses the impersonal aspect of God, suggesting the world is an illusion. Thus the poetry of a poet like Shankaracharaya contains a striking message:" No birth, no death, no caste have I; Father, mother, have I none. I am He, I am He, Blessed spirit, I am He!"However many poets of the Vaishnava tradition take a different approach based on the Bhakti tradition of divine love. The great Bhakti poets such as Ramprasad and Mirabai are able to express through poetry a glimpse into their Divine RomanceConfuciusConfucius, (551-479 B.C.),View: Selections from the AnalectsConfucius - BiographyConfucius was born and died in the state of Lu. He lost his father at the age of three and grew up in straightened circumstances, under his mother's care. As a boy he liked to set up sacrificial vessels and to imitate the gestures of ritual. At the age of nineteen he married, and a son and two daughters were born to him. His relations with his wife and children were without cordiality. He was a large man of great physical strength.At nineteen he entered the service of a noble family as superintendent of parks and herds. At thirty-two he was engaged in teaching the ancient ritual to a minister's sons. At thirty-three he went to Lo-yang, the imperial capital, to study the customs and traditions of the Chou Empire, which by then had actually split into numerous warring states of various sizes, and whose capital remained solely a religious center. On this occasion he is said to have visited Lao-tzu. When Confucius was thirty-four, the prince of Lu, threatened by powerful rivals among the local nobility, was forced to flee. Confucius accompanied him to a neighboring state. Here he heard music, learned how to play, and became so absorbed that he forgot to eat. Returning to Lu, he devoted the next fifteen years to his studies.At the age of fifty-one he returned to political life, became minister of justice and finally prime minister of Lu. Thanks to his ability, the prince became increasingly powerful. He overcame the nobles of the region and tore down the fortifications of their cities. The land prospered. Frightened by this rise in the fortunes of Lu, a neighboring prince sent the prince of Lu a present of eighty beautiful girls trained in dancing and music and a troop of fine horses. The prince took so much pleasure in the gift that he neglected his government and ignored the counsels of Confucius. After four years of brilliant activity, Confucius gave up his position and left the country, traveling slowly, with interruptions, always in the hope of being called back.He wandered about for twelve years, from his fifty-sixth to his sixty-eighth year. He went from state to state in the hope that somewhere he would be enabled to put his political doctrine into practice. In all the years he never lost confidence in his calling as political mentor and orderer of the Empire, though occasionally he cried out: "Let me go home, let me go home." When finally, at the age of sixty-eight, he returned to his native state, he lamented in a poem that after all his wanderings in nine provinces there was still no goal in sight for him: men are without insight, quickly the years pass.He spent his last years quietly in Lu. He accepted no government position. A profound change is said to have taken place within him. Once a hermit had said of him: "Is that not the man who knows that striving is without hope and yet goes on?" All through the years this had been Confucius' greatness. But now he was old and strove no more. He studied the I, Ching so rich in secrets, and completed his systematic groundwork for a new mode of education by committing traditions to writing and by instructing a group of young men.One morning Confucius felt the approach of death. He walked about the courtyard, humming the words: "The great mountain must collapse, the mighty beam must break and the wise man wither like a plant." When an alarmed pupil spoke to him, he said: "No wise ruler arises, and no one in the Empire wishes to make me his teacher. The hour of my death has come." He lay down and eight days later he died. He was seventy-three years of ageThe New Reality brings with it a new vista of awareness. In order to operate successfully in the new environment, you need to apply the new principles which come with this expanded view of reality.Such knowledge empowers you to awaken to your newly expanded potential and manifest it with ease.Here are some basic principles of the universe, as seen from the expanded vista of New Reality consciousness.In this, the ultimate reality is recognized as universal consciousness, which is the formative essence behind all that exists within the universe. This essence can be called Infinite Being because it is the awareness behind everything within the universe.Here are twelve principles which describe the New Reality awareness.1. Infinite Being is All That Is. Nothing exists outside of itThe universe exists within the consciousness of Infinite Being. The physical world exists within the consciousness of Infinite Being. We exist within the consciousness of Infinite Being.2. We are Infinite BeingCreation is holographic in nature, meaning that the one can be found within the all. For example, the oak tree produces acorns and yet the life-form of a complete oak tree is contained within each acorn. If a picture hologram is divided into two, both parts will still retain the complete original picture.While you are a part of the consciousness of Infinite Being, you are also Infinite Being itself. At the deepest level of reality, all that Infinite Being is, you are.Therefore we are, each one of us, Infinite Being.3. Purpose in lifeYour overall purpose in life is to experience it from one individual, unique point of view. Just as each snowflake is unique, so is each person. From a cosmic point of view, you are one expression of Infinite Being as it experiences itself from all possible viewpoints. In this way, through you and all life, Infinite Being gains infinite experience.At a personal level, you, as a soul, pre-planned the major themes of your life. You chose the time, the place and your parents in order to set a life plan in motion which would explore those themes. Such pre-planning gave rise to the occurrence of related, meaningful events in your life which may have already given you the impression that destiny exists.Destiny does exist, to the extent that the major themes of your life are pre-planned, by you, ahead of time.As you pass through life, certain names, places, people and activities resonate with a certain specialness in your consciousness. It’s almost as if you knew them once before, but you can’t quite remember when or where. That is destiny, as it unfolds important, pre-planned and pre-viewed events into your life.In the phenomenon called déjà vu, scenes that you recognize as they unfold in your life are scenes which you had previously viewed in another state of consciousness. This previewing occurred either during your pre-life planning or, more often, in a recent, out-of-body, dream-state where, in order to help yourself remain on-purpose, you reviewed the important, upcoming events in your life.4. Free will enables you to explore your true potentialFree will fills in all the details. It can be used to any degree that you choose. The most productive use of free will is to explore your true potential within the themes of your life, thus gaining the greatest possible experience from your life plan.5. ReincarnationReincarnation exists to provide a variety of experiences, so that life skills may be gained, and so that, while in a physical body, you can rediscover your spiritual connection within.6. Life after ‘death’From the point of view of your true, inner personality, passing away from the physical realm is like stepping out of a suit that you have worn for a while. The suit is not the real you. In your spirit body, you move into the spirit realm, which is a place of joy and healing. After meeting with friends and relatives who have passed on before, you start work on resolving the issues which caused inner conflict during your physical life. Then, as you move into the higher realms, remembering more about who you really are, you experience reunion with the rest of your immediate and extended soul families.7. Life reflects what you projectReflectance is a property of the universe. Also known as karma, this principle states that life reflects your beliefs, emotions and actions. The stronger these are, the more apparent it becomes that life is a mirror of what you project.Every time you change the way you view life, the universe, just like a mirror, reflects your new view of reality. This may not occur instantaneously as, often, circumstances do not allow the new reflection to immediately manifest. In this case, the new reality is held, like a pressure within the aura of your body’s subtle magnetic field. You then walk around in life, surrounded by this magnetic potential, as it influences your circumstances to adapt into a form where the new reality will be able to manifest and operate.Reflectance, sooner or later, produces manifestation. Therefore, if you don’t like something in your life, the most powerful way to change its effect permanently is to discover how you are generating that reflection, and then change your point of view so that you change the reflection that you are causing from the universe.That’s how reflectance works. It’s just like law in physics. It’s how the universe was designed. The mirror of life will shine happiness upon you, but not until you first decide, within yourself, to become a happy person. Then it will reflect your new reality.8. Abundance is naturalNatural abundance comes from ‘getting into the flow,’ by doing work that brings a sense of inner excitement. The phrase “Follow your inner joy” is actually the key to abundance. Once you follow your innermost joy and adapt your situation to doing work that you love, then synchronicity begins to flow. Synchronicity is the universe’s way of telling you that you’re on the right track. It is a flow of events where everything starts clicking into place in order to support your efforts.Synchronicity brings you opportunities, people, events and circumstances exactly when and where they need to be. When life flows naturally, the universe’s natural state of abundance follows automatically.9. Love is the only realityUnconditional, holistic love is the answer to all of life’s challenges. We are here on Earth to learn how to love ourselves and others, and to accept ourselves and others completely, without judgment.At this point, some people ask, “What, are you supposed to love someone who is bent on being anti-social, even destructive?” The secret here is that there is a difference between an acceptance of the outer beliefs of a person and an acceptance of their inner essence.Regardless of that person’s outward belief system, and whether you agree with it or not, it is the inner essence of the person that you learn to recognize, love and accept.The secret is that unconditional love will heal the world, and there is no shortage of its supply. The universe is permeated by, and held together by, the love aspect of the One Creator. You have only to allow it to flow through you in order to experience its wonder.10. Self-responsibilityYou create your own reality and take personal responsibility for it. Your life is a reflection of your point of view in this, the set of experiences that you, as a soul, planned for this life.11. Truth is everywhereThe ultimate truth is to be found within, yet the study of a variety of sources of information helps you to reawaken and remember your inner truth. Your intuitive sense is your guide as to what material is most appropriate for you at any particular time during your personal development.12. Inner connection and insightInner connection with your spiritual source promotes spiritual transformation and the achievement of your true potential. Developing intuition, both in men and women, provides an essential insight into life’s experiences.The way this is achieved is through regular, daily meditation. The regular practice of meditation promotes intuitive insight, unconditional love and personal spiritual experiences. Any meditation technique that you prefer will function perfectly well, but the Infinite Being meditation technique is particularly powerful.With practice, you actually need no technique at all, because you will find that you can go into those deeper levels of awareness, whenever you wish, as an acquired habit. In the meantime, check out the ultimate door-opener to the higher realms of human consciousness, the Infinite Being meditation technique.Results from Chakra test Root Sacral Navel Heart Throat Third Eye CrownRoot: open (44%) Sacral: under-active (19%) Navel: over-active (81%) Heart: over-active (100%) Throat: over-active (88%) Third Eye: open (50%) Crown: over-active (88%) Percentages go from -100% to +100% br
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Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||| 56%
Stability |||||||||||||| 60%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 43%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Interdependence |||||| 30%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Mystical |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Artistic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Religious |||||||||||||||| 63%
Hedonism |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Materialism |||||||||||||| 56%
Narcissism |||||||||||||||| 63%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Work ethic |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Self absorbed |||||||||||||||| 63%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||| 50%
Need to dominate |||||| 23%
Romantic |||||| 30%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 50%
Anti-authority |||||||||| 36%
Wealth |||||||||||| 43%
Dependency |||||||||| 36%
Change averse |||||||||||||| 56%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||| 50%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||| 50%
Histrionic |||||| 23%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 70%
Vanity |||||||||||||| 56%
Hypersensitivity |||||| 30%
Female cliche |||||| 23% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
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Hiking,Traveling,gems and minerals,Yoga,Meditation,Science,Silence, hanging out with close freinds and talking aboutlife,and enlightenment energey,spirituality Sitting Sexual Positions of Karma Sutra Seated, mouth to mouth, arms against arms, thighs against thighs: this is Kaurma (The Tortoise).If the lovers' thighs, still joined, are raised it is Paravartita (Turning).If within the cave of her thighs you sit rotating your hips like a black bee, it is Markata (The Monkey).And if, in this pose, you turn away from her, it is Marditaka (Crushing Spices).She sits with raised thighs, her feet placed either side of your waist; linga (penis) enters yoni (vagina); you rain hard blows upon her body: this is Kshudgaga (Striking).When your wife sits with both knees drawn tight to her body and you mirror this posture, it is known to experts in the art of love as Yugmapada (The Foot Yoke).Seated erect, the lovely girl folds one leg to her body and stretches the other along the bed, while you mirror her actions: this is Yugmapada (The Feet Yoke).If, with left leg extended, she encircles your waist with her right leg, laying its ankle across her left thigh, and you do the same, it is Svastika (The Swastika)*.*An ancient good-luck talisman based on the symbolism of a cross whirling sun-wise. The Nazis used it the wrong way round, whirling widdershins, and the Indian pundits always said this was sacrilegious and would doom them.Sitting face to face in bed, her breasts pressed tight against your chest, let each of you lock heels behind the other's waist, and lean back clasping one another's wrists. Now, set the swing gently in motion, your beloved, in pretended fear, clinging to your body with her flawless limbs, cooing and moaning with pleasure: this is Dolita (The Swing).If, seated face to face, your toes caress the lovely woman's nipples, her feet press your chest and you make love holding each other's hands it is Kaurma (The Tortoise).Sitting erect, grip your lover's waist and pull her on to you, your loins continuously leaping together with a sound like the flapping of elephants' ears: this is Kirtibandha (the Knot of Fame).Kneeling between her thighs, tickle her breasts and under her arms, call her 'my lovely darling' and print deep nailmarks around her nipples: thus Jaya (Victory) is expounded.Rear Entry Sexual Positions of Karma Sutra If you mount her like a dog, gripping her waist, and she twists round to gaze into your face, experts in the art of love say it is Svanaka (the Dog).If the lady, eager for love, goes on all fours, humping her back like a doe, and you enjoy her from behind, rutting as though you'd lost all human nature, it is Hirana (the Deer).When, with lotus-feet set well-apart on the ground, she bends, placing a hand upon each thigh, and you take her from the rear, it is Gardabha (the Ass).If she lies on her stomach and you seize her ankles in one hand, lift them high and make love, tilting her chin back with your other hand, it is Marjara (the Cat).She lies on her front, grasping her ankles in her own hands and pulling them up behind her: this difficult posture is known to experts as Mallaka (the Wrestler).When your mistress lays breasts, arms and forehead to the carpet, raising her buttocks high, and you guide your penis into her yoni, it is Aibha (the Elephant).You lift her ankles high; she draws up and extends her legs as though she were crawling through the air: this is Hastika (the Elephant).She stands on palms and feet; you stand behind her and lift one of her feet to your shoulder, enjoying the lovely woman: this is Traivikrama (the Stride).You kneel, as in archery, take her on your lap and bend her forward till her breasts are pressed to her thighs: this is Ekabandha (One Knot).Lying on her side, facing away, the fawn-eyed girl offers you her buttocks and your penis penetrates the house of love: this is Nagabandha (the Elephant).Standing Sexual Positions of Karma Sutra When, catching and crushing your lover in the cage of your arms, you force her knees apart with yours and sink slowly into her, it is Dadhyayataka (Churning Curds).When she leans against a wall, planting her feet as widely apart as possible, and you enter the cave between her thighs, eager for lovemaking, it is Sammukha (Face-to-face).If, as you lean against the wall, your lady twines her thighs around yours, locks her feet to your knees, and clasps your neck, making love very passionately, it is Dola (the Swing).When your lover draws up one leg, allowing the heel to nestle just behind your knee, and you make love, embracing her forcefully, it is Traivikrama (the Stride).If you catch one of her knees firmly in your hand and stand making love with her while her hands explore and caress your body, it is Tripadam (the Tripod).Her foot pressed to your heart, your arms encircling and supporting her, lean back against the wall and enjoy the lovely lady: this is Veshta (the Encircling).She stands against the wall, lotus-hands on hips, long, lovely fingers reaching to her navel. Cup her foot in your palm and let your free hand caress your angel's limbs. Put your arm around her neck and enjoy her as she leans there at her ease. Vatsyayana (the author) and others who knew the art of love in its great days called this posture Tala (the Palm).If you lean back to a wall and your lover, clinging to your neck, places both her feet in your palms and thus makes love, this is Dvitala (Two Palms).If you lift your lover by passing your elbows under her knees and gripping her buttocks while she hangs fearfully from your neck, it is Janukurpara (the Knee Elbow)Role Reversal Sexual Positions in Karma Sutra During lovemaking, ten types of blows may be struck with the penis, but of these only Upasripta (Natural), which is instinctive even to untutored cowherds, results in full clitoral stimulation. It is a gentle forward stroke which may be varied for depth and speed, allowing a subtlety, rhythm and spontaneity which the other nine each lack to some degree. If you grasp your penis and move it in circles inside her yoni, it is Manthana (Churning). When you strike sharply down into the yoni, it is Hula (the Double-edged Knife). If, when her hips are raised by a pillow, you strike a rising blow, it is Avamardana (Rubbing). If you hold your penis pressed breathlessly to her womb it is Piditaka (Pressing). If you withdraw completely and then strike her violently to the womb, it is Nirghata (the Buffet). Continuous pressure on one side of her yoni is Varahaghata (the Boar's Blow). If you thrust wildly in every direction, like a bull tossing its horns, it is Vrishaghata (the Bull's Blow). Quivering in her yoni is Chatakavilasa (Sparrow Sport), which usually heralds orgasm. The involuntary shuddering of orgasm is called Samputa (the Jewel Case).Enthroned on your penis, she places both hands on the bed and makes love, while you press your two hands to her thudding heart: this is Lilasana (Seat of Sport).She sits upright upon you, her head thrown back like a rearing mare, bringing her feet together on the bed to one side of your body: this is Hansabandha (the Swan).The woman has one foot on your heart and the other on the bed. Bold, saucy women adore this posture, which is known to the world as Upavitika (the Sacred thread).If, with one of her feet clasped in your hand and the second placed upon your shoulder, your lady enjoys you, it is Viparitaka (Reversed).If your lover, seated above you with feet lotus-crossed and her body held erect and still makes love to you, it is known as Yugmapada (the Foot Yoke).If she strides you, facing your feet, brings both her feet up to your thighs, and works her hips frantically, it is known as Hansa-lila (Swan Sport).Your lover places one foot on your ankle, lodges her other foot just above your knee, and rides you, swinging and rotating her hips: this is Garuda (Garuda).If you lie flat on your back with legs stretched out and your lover sits astride you, facing away and grasping your feet, it is called Virsha (the Bull).When lovers, with legs stretched rigid and feet caressing feet, make love according to their hearts' desire, tantra scholars call it Sampada (Equal Feet) and agree it is a way to ecstasy.Stiff as a pole in the bed's center, she lies making love, cooing and warbling like a woodpigeon, the jewel of her clitoris well-polished: this is Mausala (the Pestle).When she lies on her back with her two thighs pressed tightly together and you make love to her, keeping your thighs outside hers, it is Gramya (the Rustic).If, encircling and trapping her thighs with yours, you grip so hard that she cries out in pain, it is Ratipasha (Love's Noose), a device most charming to the ladies.Her limbs, entwined in yours like tendrils of fragrant jasmine creeper, draw taut and slowly relax in the gentle rhythm of linga and yoni: this is Lataveshta (the Clinging Creeper).When she draws up her knees and you clamp yours about her raised thighs, trapping them in a tight knot while riding saddle upon her buttocks and kissing her, it is Shankha (the Couch).Specific Stones and Their MeaningAs I looked up my favorite stones, I noticed a pattern, many dealing with either the crown, heart or root chakra, (maybe I need to pay some attention). I'll randomly pick some other well known stones.AgateGrounds emotions, intellect and physical being. Place over the heart to heal emotional disease that prevents acceptance of love. Place over abdomen to stimulate digestion.- confident and strong- stabilizes aura- class of chalcedonyAmethyst- clears and stabilizes the aura- activates crown chakra for connection to higher power- brings about spiritual contentment and a feeling of calm- protects against psychic attacks- variety of quartzCharoiteStone of transformation. The soul stone that overcomes fear, stimulates inner vision and spiritual insight, aids in coping with enormous change at a spiritual level.- synthesizes the heart and crown chakra's- cleanses the aura- stimulates unconditional love- provides deep physical and emotional healing- helps you accept the present moment as being perfectDiamondSymbol of purity, bonds relationships, amplifier of energy (never needs recharging), abundance of white light, brings clarity to the mind.- cleanses aura- activates crown chakra for connection to the higher powerEmeraldA stone of inspiration and infinite patience. It is a life affirming stone with great integrity. Known as the “stone of successful love”, it brings domestic bliss and loyalty.- ensures physical, emotional and mental equilibrium- gives the wearer strength of character to overcome misfortunes in lifeFluorite- stimulates the third eye; psychic communication- excellent for meditation- treatment of bones and bone marrow disorders- highly protective- cleanses and stabilizes the aura- protects against computer and electromagnetic stress- grounding- gently opens the door to the subconscious- improves physical and mental coordination and counteracts mental disorders- overcomes chaos in all aspects- organizes and processes information; quick thinking- emotionally stabilizing (no wonder I love this stone)RhodochrositeThis stone represents selfless love and compassion and encourages spontaneous expression of feelings. Meditation - helps to identify ongoing negative patterns and shows the purpose behind the experience. This stone insists that you face the truth about yourself and other people, without excuses or evasion but with loving awareness.- lifts depression- clears solar plexus and base chakraRhodolite GarnetPowerful, energizing and regenerating stone; brings about passion and balances the sex drive.- reenergizes and protects the base charka- sharpens the perception of Self and others; warm, trusting and sincere stoneRubyEncourages a passion for life, has strong energy and is not for sensitive people.- stimulates the heart charka- powerful shield against physic attacks and vampires of the heart- promotes dynamic leadership- brings about a courageous state of mind- attracts sexual activity- physically overcome exhaustion and lethargy- detoxifies the body, blood and treats feversSapphireThe wisdom stone, each color has it’s own wisdom.- releases unwanted thoughts- releases depression- type of corrundumBlack - protective and centering, helps with employmentBlue - seeker after spiritual truth, throat chakra healingGreen - improves inner and outer vision, dream recall, heart chakraPink - meditation will teach you how to master your emotionsParti - several colors, all charasPurple - awakens; stimulates spiritualityRoyal - eliminates negative energy in chakrasStar - opens intuitionWhite - extremely pure energyYellow - attracts wealth; as elixir, it removes toxinsSugiliteThe love stone.- aligns and opens all chakra's to the flow of love- teaches how to live from your truth and reminds the soul of its reasons for incarnating- protects the soul from shock, trauma and disappointments- pain relieverTourmaline- cleanses, purifies and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration- Shamanic stone that brings protection during rituals- beneficial for the garden and plants (like I can afford that)- balances right right and left sides of the brain- enhances energy flowPink Tourmaline is an aphrodisiac that attracts love in the material and spiritual worlds; providing assurance that it is safe to love.TurquoiseTurquoise is a most efficient healer, providing a solace for the spirit and well-being for the body.- place on the third eye for enhanced intuition- strengthens the meridians and subtle energy fields- excellent stone for exhaustion, depression and panic attacksWhat Crystal and Stone Believers Have to Say"I wear a crystal around my neck. It is not only myself who can sense their glowing brilliance of energy. Many people, upon meeting me, cast their gaze unintentionally downwards to my collar bones. Most impressive are the instant response of children. I am an artistic tutor for hire, and every child I work with has instantly grabbed onto my necklace upon introduction, and most days as a continual greeting. I feel like my energy, and the experience of the energies of the places I have been are absorbed into the stone itself.""I just like carrying them around in my pocket, putting my hand over one just to feel something solid. I've held quartz while meditating and I feel like it conducts my energy better almost as if it's an amplifier.""They mean a lot to me they are the base of all my healings and meditations...they are also very important in rituals, and ceremonies. I carry a set group of them with me all the time. I have had so many things happen when using crystals, stones and gems that it would be hard to pick out one story.""When I look at a stone, I think of the long, slow, relentless energies deep in the earth where it was formed. I imagine that energy coalescing inside the stone, residue of its eon-long incubation, then its inexorable rise to the surface. To me stones and crystals are like frozen time..."Awakening and Cleansing Your CrystalsSince ancient civilization, tribal ceremonies involved the activation of crystals. If you lived by the sea, crystals were cleansed in the water. If not, they were awakened by placing them in the Sun or Moon light for several hours. Still today, we can use these methods to “recharge” our stones.- Leave them out doors during a new Moon.- Soak in sea salt for about 6 hours.- Some even bury their crystals in the Earth during a new moonMeditation is a life transforming experience. Meditation is an ever-blossoming voyage of self-discovery and inner awakening.Meditation is a practice. Meditation is an every day existence. Meditation is bound by minutes - that sacred slot between awaking and working. Meditation enters into and becomes inseparably one with our entire day. Meditation is static, motionless. Meditation is dynamic, active.A student of meditation very soon discovers that meditation is not an isolated activity confined to the corner of a room within an allotted time-frame, but rather an achievement that cannot be separated from every day existence. The fruits of meditation - peace, love and joy permeate everything that we say, do and think. The skills that we develop in order to maintain our regular meditation practice - discipline, willpower and determination we can employ in our other pursuits and aspirations both earthly and heavenly. Creating a calm and still mind is essential if we wish to experience meditation or the ocean of vastness within ourselves. This same calm and still mind is essential in order to live a life of harmony with both those around us and the Self within us.Meditation is more than a relaxation technique. Like a perfectly centered spinning top that spins so fast that it appears motionless -meditation is stillness in action. Meditation is pure crystallized energy - a one-pointed presence in the now-moment.To know oneself one must experience oneself. Only in the now-moment can one discover truth of existence. Situated in this sacred abode of timelessness a student of meditation experiences first hand the deeper nature of his consciousness, and through this experience comes to know his Self -the greater aspect of his being that has always been but has not yet been claimed, the higher and more illumined reality - the Self which is none other than God.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Secret #1: The True Purpose of Meditation =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Many people feel a sense of fascination when confronted with the possibility of mystic visions, psychic intuition and heightened mental functioning. While meditators often report these sorts of improvements, these experiences should not be the primary reason for practice. The purpose of meditation is to bring us back to ourselves.As we become healthier, happier and realize greater self-awareness, the other benefits of meditation begin to follow naturally -- improved mental functioning, greater intuition as well as greater access to unconscious resources and abilities.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Secret #2: Distraction Does Not Equal Failure =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Meditation is not work in the sense that you have to "force" yourself to concentrate completely for long periods of time. If we consciously try to prevent thinking, it's going to have a negative impact on the meditation.Instead, whenever we become lost in thought or confusion, we simply acknowledge those thoughts and then gently return the attention to the object of the meditation. We do this as many times as distraction or thought occurs. Eventually, the mind becomes calmer and discursive thought begins to slow.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Secret #3: Insight Alone Is Not Enough =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Insight alone will not transform our lives. Meditation is likely to help us by giving us larger perspectives and increasing clarity of thought. But although our sense of inner guidance might become stronger, unless we ACT on that guidance, we will never manifest the changes we truly want in our lives.This doesn't just mean we need to take action in our outer world, for example, having an honest conversation with a friend or paying a bill.It also means we must actively request the assistance of the unconscious in a clear and persistent way. When you do that, as I teach in "Secrets of Meditation, Energy and Manifestation," you find yourself magnetically drawn toward your dreams with an irresistible impulse.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Secret #4: Learn To Let Go =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Once you have made your request, it's important that you let go. Don't be concerned with HOW you're going to get what you truly want in your life. Needing to know how can hamper the process of making it manifest in the outer world. Learn to trust your unconscious.Some changes -- perhaps all of them -- will happen automatically. I have personally found that many of my destructive habits simply dropped away with minimal conscious effort.For me, this was achieved not by self-discipline and will power, but rather a "letting go" and a realization that spiritual growth is a natural process powered by parts of ourselves that know more than we can understand consciously.As we let go consciously and receive more input from these parts, we learn to trust this feeling, this feeling that we are in safe hands and that something amazing is about to happen

I'd like to meet:

You Are 35% Left Brained, 65% Right Brained
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.

The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. Are You Right or Left Brained?


Marley, some Sublime, Any traditional, spiritual,healing, trance, drumming,or tribal music


Your Personality Is Like Acid
A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict.
One moment you're in your own little happy universe...
And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell! What Drug Is Your Personality Like? ..


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