For those gone, but not forgotten:
..Ken's momma:.. I only knew you for about 3 short years, and never REALLY got the pleasure to know you, but I know you will always be missed. I've been there for Kenley through all of this, and I know she misses you greatly. As does Madison. What happened was unfortunate, but you're not gonna hurt anymore.
..Dakota:.. I met you many times, and you were such a sweetheart. You're in God's arms now. My brother misses you, and I catch him sometimes looking in his yearbook where you put a message. My thoughts go to your family.
..Tyler:.. What happened was very unexpected, and no one could have imagined that ever happening. I went to school with you for a long time, and I regret all of those school years when I was mean to you. It's one of those things that I wish I could've taken back. You were a kid. & so was I. We could've never expected this to happen. You're where you should be now.
..Madison:.. I knew you for a few years, and you were a sweet little girl. You use to get in my jacket and take my phone and take random pictures and everyday I would find random pictures on my phone you had taken. I always erased them. I kick myself for not keeping those pictures. It was really hard when that happened. You were so young, but when it's time, it's time. I miss you.
..Jimmy:.. I didn't know you for long, but you were a great step grandfather. You spoiled me so much, and it hurt to loose you so fast. Brianna probably still remembers you. No one could ever explain that to her. I hope your atleast happy now.
..Tessie:.. You were the best dog I could've asked for. You were the sweetest little thing(: i love and miss you, girl.