Magilicious profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

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V What's up?
Right now I'm digging...
The Hush Sound, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus...just lots of music actually, that I don't much feel like listing.
I'm amazing.
And if you think I'm kidding and no one could possibly be that concieted...
You're wrong.
Haha. Nope, kidding.
Umm, I'm single right now. Call me. *wink*
Lol. Maybe I should get out more.
I have very few inhibitions. I'm pretty crazy.
I'm not worried about embarrassing myself. It's really not a big deal for me and it doesn't bother me.
I also dig Celtic Thunder, whom I found by shear chance. My friend Ken posted a video of them on his MySpace or I never would have given them a second glance, just because I don't pay that much attention (Haha).
Mostly, I'm just a laid back chick.
I want to be a teacher. Probably of Japanese, but maybe also English and Band. I think all subjects would be fun in their own way.
I'm a vegetarian.
I play the flute, piccolo and I try to play the guitar but I suck at that one. I want to try piano/keyboard, but damned if I actually get around to it. LOL.
Now, it's hard for me to believe that I could run out of things to say so soon about myself...I must be pretty shallow.
Hah, shallow as a shower!!
Yeah, that's all for now.

My Interests

Create your own Friend Test hereInterests:

Not dying.

I dig:
Say Anything
Cute Is What We Aim For
The Hush Sound
~*~*Rock: New and Old*~*~
The Beatles!!
Pink Floyd...sometimes.
A little country.
Pop Rocks...and Pop/Rock.
~*~*Love Songs*~*~
Tunes of the optomistic and pessimistic.
~*~*Songs about Life*~*~

Being crazy. Give me something to do, say the word, and if it doesn't totally go against my morals, I'll usually do it.

I'm really into Japanese and I want to teach it when I grow up. I like to speak it, but I get shy when I try and say some to people that are actually fluent.
I guess I'll definitely have to get over that, huh?

I'd like to meet:

Who Would I Like To Meet?

Someone taller that smells good. Personality similiar to mine, but a little quieter. I'd hate to have to tell him to shut up when I'm talking.

Haha. Just kidding.

They need to be wild, crazy, but then come home to a quiet place and be calm and loving. You know? You gotta have a mix.

Must Love Dogs.





The Princess Bride
Moulin Rouge
American Beauty
Sweeney Todd


Stranger Than Fiction
Love Actually, which is a really good movie (duh, why else would I mention it). I'd recommend it to anyone. It's very well done. Comes together very nicely in the end if you follow the stories.



Comedy Central Presents
The Colbert Report and Jon Stewart
Animal Planet's Most Extreme

But really I don't watch a lot of TV.



The Shadow of the Wind
The Mephisto Club
The Dark Tower Series
The Phantom Tollbooth
Little Women
Scarlet Letter is actually turning out to be pretty good, unlike The House of The Seven Gables, which I absolutely hated.



I don't really have a hero...That's pretty sad.

My Blog

Pet Peeve 3

People with display names like "Always the Friend, Never the Lover" "Waiting for True Love" "I Want My First Kiss" "Never Been Kissed" ...and the like. Desperation does not become them!! Do they thin...
Posted by Magilicious on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 09:18:00 PST

Pet Peeve 2

My profile song should be "Don’t Lose That Feeling." But, Keith Harkin is a bad speller, so it’s "Don’t Loose That Feeling." I mean, bless him. I doubt he realizes that he has made i...
Posted by Magilicious on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 02:52:00 PST

Pet Peeves

So, you should all know by now that I pretty much love to sit around and comment pictures. Haha. Anyway, I hate it when people have basically the exact same picture like 30 times and expect you to com...
Posted by Magilicious on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 09:26:00 PST

Bro Saves Job, Maggie Elated

So, today I was hella tired and I decided to take a nap. Now, unbeknowst to me, my alarm (which I thought was set for 2:30, giving me ample time to be awake before work) didn’t work because my p...
Posted by Magilicious on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 08:46:00 PST

Veggie, veggie, veggie...

Veggie, veggie, veggie-matarian. That is me. And I quite like it. AHHH!! Keith Harkin or bomb playlist?!!! Sob.. Well damn, it’s a good thing that the Celtic Thunder page makes it so you can&rs...
Posted by Magilicious on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 10:12:00 PST

Inner Turmoil

So, I LOVE having a playlist. Love it. It’s the bomb. But, I just went on Keith Harkins music page, and there’s this song on there that I love and almost want to add. Lord knows it won&rsq...
Posted by Magilicious on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 10:07:00 PST

Could It Be Possible?

In the midst of recent years and a series of let downs and disappointments, my ideals of love have become unrealistic in my eyes. That, I feel, is the saddest thing one can endure and it's unbearable ...
Posted by Magilicious on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 11:37:00 PST

I Was Right

Got my check. I feel better about my job, thinking of cute things I can buy or great things I can save my money for. And I'm over it all. At least enough to move on, but really, enough to Move Forward...
Posted by Magilicious on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 09:12:00 PST


So I'm kind of sad. Work sucks. School sucks. Everyone sucks. With the exception of my very FEW favorite people... I really want to go out and do something fun. Meet some new people. Just, you know. ...
Posted by Magilicious on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 05:43:00 PST


I HATE work. Grar! My back hurts hella bad because of how friggin' hard I push myself. And I don't get to reap the benefits of all this until the 7th, and hopefully at that time it's worth it! In...
Posted by Magilicious on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 10:16:00 PST