Laughing, films, going out, the INTERNET and my friends.
.. I've already met the lovely Russell Brand so i can cross him off my list!! :p Anyone who makes me laugh is always welcome in my life.
I like an eclectic range of music really. ANY ballad or beautiful song and most of the music i hear on the radio! I tend to like individual songs rather than artists as a whole.
I have decided that there are just too many to name. Again lots of different genres- i like most films that i see, even bad ones (they're fun to have a laugh at!)
TV is aight, its been a bit neglected since i discovered the wonders of the internet. I like comedy programmes, as i like to laugh, as i think i have mentioned...
I'm the kind of person that reads half way through a book and then seems to lose focus!! There are so many on my shelf that i started but never managed to finish. One book i love love loved was 'The Time Traveller's Wife'
.. " I love my sister much. Katie has also been a very important part of my life (not in a lesbionic way mind)