About Me
Hi. My name is Tyler. I'm 17. Birthday:1/1. Jessica is my girlfriend/best friend. Chuck and Blair are the best.
First and foremost, the most important thing to know about me is that i take allot of joy in the little things. So keep that in mind.
I sing in the shower, or more like any place, even though i suck, so don't tell me or I'll sing louder. i even have a musicmyspace up called flash composure. My and Kaity will hopefully kick that off soon. Hahah. Deep in my soul I'm a drummer and i always will me. I can play a litt keyboard, and play a few easy songs of guitar. i have a beautiful pearl drumset in my room. To be plain, simple, and frank, Music is my life.
I'm a very unique person and i get along with anyone who truly wants a friendship with me. I'll tell things to you straight though. It's not being rude, it's just i'm going to tell you if you're being a drama queen.
My Favorite lack of a color is Black. So my favorite color must be Orange . Obviously.
I have my drivers license , and have a job on wait-staff at the casino. I get a total of like 2 hours a week. it's great.. still i do get pretty busy
I'm a Sen10r. The big man on campus, and i have the worst cause of senioritus, but the seniority is awesome.
I like new ideas, concepts, and point of views to be introduced to me even though i may not always agree with them. I'm struggling quite hard with religion, questioning and doubting it, although i always have. I've come to the conclusion that i don't really believe in religion, i just think it's important.
People are mean. Deal, or you won't get anywhere in this world. You don't get out alive anyway, so have fun with it.
I don't like to lie. I don't lie allot, and if i do its normally in a sarcastic tone. I really dislike people who lack conviction. So stick to what you've done, and be responsible for it.
I don't care what you think about me, and if you gossip and spread rumors, you'll get what you deserve. I believe in a little thing called karma. If you don't have a backbone i don't really want you around me. Listen to yourself before other people.
A lot of people ask me my stance on government. I don't mind what we have in America. It isn't the best plan, but your a fool if you think it doesn't work at least somehow. My ideal government would probably be a communism, where the people elect the leaders, no matter how contradicting that sounds.
I dress in allot of different styles. It's not because i like to play dress up. I think it describes me when i don't look the same two days in a row.
I believe taking sides is for dodge ball, not something important. And sticking feathers up your butt doesn't make you a chicken, so try to be yourself. So that's basically it.abraXus Section Manager