jewishness, jewdisim, jew-o-rama but also guitar...inventing shite...philosophy...phycology...teh
Erm...I have no idea! Friends, magicians, pedophiles? Magical Pedophiles that want to be my friend!
Almost everything that isn't pop or country no videos right now prodigy is good that is all
V for Vendetta, Sin City, Stranger than fiction, The matrix, Truman Show, Beautiful Mind...Not much else...Dont really like movies...(Cuz their too expensive for my jewish blood and my HIPPIENESS! OHHH!) -says Joe
The electric Kool Aid Acid Test, One Flew over the cukoos nest, and Bless me ultima. Not to mention JEWISH THE JEW SAVES HIS PENNY BECAUSE HES JUST THAT GOD DAMN JEWISH! -Adam- What the hell?! hehehe
Ken Keesey, jebus hitler, bubba down at the jail, erm... and RABI HACCKJEWMCJEWISHSTEIN THE LICK AND STICK NIPPLE!...actually only the first one!