i AM the definition of UNDERATED...
My name is Megan, feel free to call me what you like. I`m a real chill person, which means I do MY OWN thing; I step to my own beat. I usually like everyone I meet, because there is always something unique about each individual person. But then you also come across the fakes bitches that waste, both yours and theirs, time with you. So if you wana be cool with me, just be REAL. That's all I ask for from people; it's really not that hard to please me, trust. I've seen and been on both ends of the stick, so I know how it is. At this point in time in my life, I'm just going with the flow. I'm letting fate lead the way, and I'll take what I can get wherever I end up. Because when I try to plan things out and look to the future with my situations, they ALWAYS end up turning out completely opposite from what I tried getting to; and I'm tired of ending up with that feeling. So with all that being said, I'm just gona do me from here on out, and once that turnaround comes... I'll take it. And this quote somewhat explains what I'm trying to say about things..."You never expect life to throw you so far off plan, that you turn around and everything you wanted is gone and there`s nothing left to lose. So you make your desicion to take a risk on something you didn`t even know was there, but you can`t help but go for it. And stop worrying about what everyone thinks of you, it doesn`t matter. Forget them, stay true to yourself. You can`t help who you love. So just open your heart and listen, and let it take you wherever it wants to go."