MAin instrests are Truth seeking and Development as an intellectual, Artist ,and Father... I like To Learn People. Im very interested With The Development Of Religion what's real v.s. What's Lies And What were THe Dark Ages All About--- Who Where The Original Black Slaves what WAs Their Destiny And What Does The Bible Say About The Journey Of The True Seed Of Abraham--- What's the world Biggest Secret --- When Will We Return To Understanding Happen--- I want To mostly understand How to Use My Spiritual Gift of Prophecy and Tap The Resourse of the promised and Ancient Scripted powers Of the soul That All Humans posses... My Intrest Go Deep -- Too Deep For Sum --And So I Leave Them In Ignorance To Drown within the mass deception.. Only in searching For The Truth Shall You Find It!
The Main Person on my Agenda To meet ISMYA HARRISONAnd Everyone else are those People who are the most important to the development of-(My)-Rap and R N'B As a wholeTo Name A few 2-pac, MAse, Kanye West, JAy-Z, Nas and the list goes on.. I try Meditation sometimes So That I can Try and Get Intouch With The True Me That was placed With in the bondage of Flesh... I would Like To Meet Jesus And Ask Him His True message seeing that The World Has Various veiws but even Above Him I'd Like To meet The Most Holy of Holies--Creator of things seen and unseen Heaven And Earth planets stars Suns And Moons Because Then Surely I may Die But I will Be Just Like Him
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I'm not Bias In any way, As long as it's good Music I can Dig it... I've Listened to it all but my main genery is Rap/hiphop Rnb-- I cross the line every now and again when I hear a decent track Like songs from incubus and Greenday.. But my all time Favorites are 2-pac, special-Ed(i Found In an Alley)-KAnyea W.,Mystical,Mac, Of Course MYA HArrison. CMB-The Hot Boys All Early_Cash money_ B.I.G -- Jay-Z, MAse, Nas, KrisKross, Da Brat.. New School rappers Solo Project Weezy lil Wayne,e-40, Too-short, Juvie (I geuss T.I.P-"but he's not the best rapper"- I hate arguein that- but he's cold i'll give him that) Young Jock Is Cool-- JUst Gettin into -Dip Set- 40 cal is alright Killa Cam, Jewlez,-- Singers Mya Chris Brown,Musiq SOul Child,Dru Hill, New Monica, ciara, India Arie jagged edge--Craige David,fill me in album,Alichia Keys, Ol skool "am I dreamin" but The album's a classic(You don't know About That)Prophet Jones,,I can Go on And On ABC (Another BAd Creation), The Boys, tell me when To Stop./......
Horror and Sci-fi mostly but I get into a good movie if it's interestin love zombie movies Hustel and Flow, Ray,waist Deep Crash' fast and furious tokio drift,Neverending story(the moral is important-never Let Your dreams Die)favorite movies Growin up: Big,little monsters,Candyman, Child's play, Highway to Hell(and I only Seen It one time)anything you can prolly think of that was great I seen it and Prolly Liked It (maybe)
Lots of shows have come and Gone .New York Undercover MArtin, Camp wanna wanna, Are You Afraid of the dark,thundercats,friends,prison Break,the unit,Nickoloden grownin Up HBO, Cinamax and showtime Late night BAck in the days.. The list Can go on X-files star-trek next genaration-deepspace nine-enterprise, Earth final Conflict -Cartoons- All The Good Shit Like dragon Ball Z Ren and Stinpy Simpsons Prolly Every Thang U usta Watch You Can Challenge Me But I prolly Atleast Seen It Once. Oh Yeah "Mr.BEAN"
Russell simmon "Life and Def", "Life After Death", The Bible of course.. "The Venus butterfly technique!", "The Multible orgasmic MAn!", The Original "Hobbit", Powers Of Mind, Subtal Energy, Sacred Quest, Becoming A Person, Father Hood, Millionaire real estate Mentor,edgar cayse: Hall of records, Mysteries of the unknown : Psychic voyages, Piercing Time And Space,Donald Trump The BEst REal Estate Advice I Ever Got, DOnald Trump The BEst Buisness Advice I Ever Recieved, Donald Trump How To GEt Rich, message to the blackman in America,
All and any who have lead the way for me to shine... either it be as a Black Man in America or as a Artist in the Music Biz which go hand and hand... I am A Hero To Myself Because Cause I have Come Along way. And HAve Yet To Give up Or entertain The Though Of Doing SO. My Sister Shawna B.. (I had a few dreams of this)....... And Like ABC(another BAd Creation) Spider MAn