Acelera profile picture


About Me

Acelera bought his first synthesizer from a waitress in a cocktail bar and it would never stay in tune. Having been soaked in the 80s electronic music invasion since an early age, he dreamt of the time he'd be able to do his own music.

After a couple of Casios that did stay in tune, a short stint in music school and a few years hankering after synths only grown ups could afford, he put together a little home studio.

A few years later, he left his native white island behind and moved to London where he rediscovered a passion for real synths. After a number of projects with other artists, his first album proper will attempt to display his naive and organic attitude towards electronic music.

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My Interests


Member Since: 7/13/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Acelera: Synths, samplers, drum machines, some more synths and other musical instruments you'd never want to be seen with.
Influences: All his records and friends. Past, present and future. Feelings, thoughts. The little things that mean a lot.
Sounds Like: Zis und zat
Record Label: Spacebar, Recode
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Acelera - Unattended (rough mix) 6:41Well, here it is... first track in a long, long while. I know I said I'd put something up sooner but I got choosy and waited until I had a steady flow of productio...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 16:09:00 GMT

The end of a long hiatus

It feels like ages, probably because it has been.... over a year. I'm back, with fresh ideas, a whole busload of enthusiasm and even greater love for music than before.There'll be new tracks up next M...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 08:47:00 GMT