I'm an English teacher in an electronics factory in Taiwan. Yes, really! My students are non-native speakers of English. I have the added duties of an applications engineer which means (in this case) that I write and edit application notes. I'm that guy that explains everything to anyone who asks. I've worked here for three years (as of OCT 2008) and will probably be working here for quite some time.
Years ago, with my personal and professional life in North America at a standstill, I made a leap of faith to the other side of the world. Despite the occasional fall (sometimes quite literally) and the inevitable episodes of culture RAGE, I have managed to succeed.
*** Before we go any further, let me just say that I am not "on the market", "in the market", or available. The "significant other" position has been filled and no vacancy is predicted. If by some chance there is a death, resignation or firing due to an act only forgivable by God Himself, I'll be sure to let you all know. Just don't hold your breath. I have gone through major changes too many times in this department and am NOT looking forward to ever doing it again.
*** FYI: My idea of real sports involves the great outdoors, and NOT zillion dollar contracts, fame, something to do with a ball or just winning against another human opponent.