Claudio Verfuerth profile picture

Claudio Verfuerth

About Me

B orn in Marburg, Germany. Kicked off with my first school band in 1970 as a drummer and didn't come to stop until 1987 - meanwhile being an ordinary singer, guitar player, songwriter and producer. Had an impressive time between 1982 and 1984 when I spent a couple of months in Lubbock, Texas, doing a lot of production and recording work for a label called Short Wave Productions. I played and toured with the band RADIO ZEBRA, wrote quite a few songs but as a matter of fact I never really came to know what happend with all that stuff.

It was a great pleasure and honour through all those years sharing stages with bands and people like Don Wise (saxophon), Frank Diez (guitar), Frieder Schütz (banjo, guitar, vocals), Gary Hurt (bass), Helmer Körber (bass), Ina Lippmann (vocals), Jake Welsh (piano, vocals), James King (vocals, drums), Jay Lemon (piano, vocals), Jo Steinebach (pedal steel, keyboards), Joe Smoke (vocals, guitar), Johnny Tame (vocals), Julian Dawson (vocals, guitar), Michael Lohrengel (pedal steel, banjo, guitar, vocals), Peter Romainczyk (guitar, vocals, dobro), Ralf Lippmann (vocals, keyboards, guitar), Steve Williams (guitar), Detour (Country), Double V Connection (Rock), Full Circle (Folk), Radio Zebra (Rock), Vanity Fair (Classic Rock - school release...;-), Winchester (Country-Rock) and many more.

B e the one!

My Interests


Member Since: 13/07/2006
Band Members:

The last project was way back in 1986:
Double V Connection .
We released just one album - UnderTaKing - and this was the wild bunch:

James King - lead vocals, drums

Johnny Tame - lead and back up vocals

Frank Diez - electric lead guitars, acoustic guitars

Ralf Lippmann - keyboards, Hammond B3, additional electric guitars, back up vocals, some percussion

Ina Lippmann - vocals

Helmer Koerber - bass

Sylvio Verfuerth - spiritual advisor...and all those things he hit while the tape was running...

Claudio Verfuerth - back up vocals, additional drums & acoustic guitars, programming, words & music

Influences: J ames T aylor and
L ed Z eppelin
J ethro T ull,
D an F ogelberg,
R ussell S mith
C raig F uller

J ohn H enry B onham

Not enough space for the
others who'd need to be

Sounds Like:

...the people who've been playing!

Record Label:

ConJoint Productions

Type of Label: Indie

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