I like scuba and I like cephalopods...want to win my heart? tell me you do to...
I'm also a big loser who works at a sporting goods store and plays saxophone in his spare time...
uh...ska, diving, and photography...oh, and bass...bass is good.
Music, ocean...music again...photography...ocean photography...music photography?
I don't know...no one famous, just someone worth meeting..
I mutated my profile with
Nuclear Radiation
Varies by mood. mostly Ska, big band, rock and/or roll, and early romantic (i.e. Berlioz). New music is cool...John Cage = GOD
varies by mood.
eh...TV sucks....
John Cage, Nam Jun Pike, Dave Shaw (he proved that humans CAN exist at 958 feet below water...just not for very long...RIP Dave Shaw, you had a lot more money than me.)