This is lifee
About me
So you all should know. my names nick. im 16 going to be 17 in 2 months. im a junior at aloha.
Fuck yo shit im legit
not many people actualy know me but alot of people talk shit and make random rumors up. I have lost alot from other peoples lies but w.e. i guess you can choose to belive them or me. personaly i thikn you should know for youself and not go off other peoples opinions.
i dont understand alot of things that happen. but i honestly try to. iv lost alot lately and it really bumms me out. i usualy lose the best things in life but w.e
im finaly deciding family is the most important thing any person can have and i love my family.. well my mom and brother.
If after all this you still want to know me. Id love to elt you know. SO lets talk:)
I txt alot. so if you wanna txt ask fo my numba
(top friends. no order)