I love reading and writing. I enjoy dancing and singing, but most of all acting. Drama is so much fun. Everything about it is amazing.
Since there's nothing for games, I'm putting what I play here. I play Final Fantasy, the Zelda games, Resident Evil, Harvest Moon, and Dynasty Warriors. And whatever else is fun to play I play, but those are the main ones.
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This is Sweety. My mom won't let me get another dog while I'm still living here, so this sweet little puppy makes up for it. Well, not really. But she's cool to have.
Well, I'm really not dying to meet someone. It would be cool to meet Donald Trump I think. Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp too.
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This is Toris. I got his name from... Well I thought it was a name from a book, but apparently I took two names and merged them together. Still, it's a good name. I got the name from the two names used in the Sight. Good book. Read it.
Everything but rap and country. I don't care to hear about how much bling-blind you have, or how much money you're spending and I really don't care about your whores you little players. And they only country I've listened to is Shania Twain and a little of Wynonna. And I haven't listened to them in forever. Also, I really don't care for the extremely heavy, scream till your lungs burst rock stuff. I love a lot of different forms of rock, but that's just too much and it gives me a headache.
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Randa Panda is a nickname I use for one of my cousins. She loves pandas and since I saw this adorable thing I just had to get her and name it after my cousin.
Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, and a ton more. Lots of Disney movies.
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It's a very long story of how this kitty got her name and I can' tell you the story. Sorry.
Futurama and Family Guy. I used to watch Gilmore Girls, but it's gone downhill so I don't care for it that much. Avatar, the Last Airbender is pretty good too.
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His name comes from the same story, which I cannot tell. Once again I apologize that I cannot tell. But, I'd rather not die.
Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, A Series of Unfortunate Events, and way more.
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His name is Jack, like Jack the monkey from Pirates. Jack Jack just sounds cute.
God, Jesus, my dad, and the departed Steve Irwin. Miss ya man.
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I got this name from Stellaluna, a book I read when I was little. I loved that book and I still do. She's a cool little bat.