I'm a very easy-going guy. You have to try really hard to get under my skin; I don't get caught up in drama although sometimes, admittedly, it's fun sit back and watch.
You'll often find me driving listlessly around the city forgetting what I was doing or at a coffee shop staring blankly at a laptop, sipping coffee and not being able to sit still while still managing to get a lot of work done. Caffeine is an amazingly horrible drug. I love it.
A little something for the uncreative alcoholics among us:
Want to talk to me now:
AOL Instant Messenger: dominoe62
Who I'd like to meet:
Now if YOU are looking for affordable, on-site computer service , I hear these guys are really good: The Tech Outfit .
Sick of answering your phones? Hire a Call Answering Service - Customer Contact Services
Another link to the same place: Answering Service
And yet another:
Another link to the same place: Order Fulfillment
Donovan's Gifts