hey i'm rob i'm a bass player for Life beyond Reason
slipknot by maggot_038
do u like slipknot: FUCK YEAH
do u know wat a maggot is: YEAH I AM ONE
self-titled or iowa: Iowa
subliminal verses or 9.0 live: 9.0 live
mick or james: both
corey or joey: both
shawn or chris: both
sid or craig: both
new masks or old: they're both good
liberate or (sic): (sic)
people=shit or heritic anthem: People=Shit
wats ure fav slipknot video: the My Plague video
all time fav slipknot song: Wait and Bleed
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Slipknot-50 questions
First off,do you know who slipknot is?: Hell yeah Maggot for life
Are they your favorite band?: fuck yeah
Do you know what a "maggot" is?: yeah i am one
What is your favorite Slipknot song?: Wait and Bleed
Why is it?: cuz i can relate to the song
Which CD is your favorite?: Iowa
Which ones do you own?: all of them
Do you own the self titled cd with purity on it?: yes and Purity is a very good song
Whats your favorite Slipknot video?: Inside the nine
Who is your favorite member?: All of them but to pick on i would say Paul Gray
Why?: cuz we're both bass players and hes my fuckin idol
Do you like the Murderdolls?: they're pretty
What about Stone Sour?: they're ok to
How many Slipknot posters do you have?: ALOT!!!!
How many shirts do you have?: ALOT!!!!
Do you think youre obsessed?: idc maggot for life pplz who don't slipknot can go fucking die
Do you know all the lyrics to Spit it Out?: yeah
Have you ever heard any of the songs from Mate,Feed,Kill,Repeat?: yeah
Have you ever listened to Snap or Get This?: yeah i heard those songs a good few amount of times
Have you ever owned a Slipknot replica mask?: yeah i have Paul Gray's mask
Do you know who Cuddles is?: yeah
Would you kill someone for a Slipknot concert ticket?: YEAH!!!
Have you seen any of the members unmasked(except joey,corey,and james)?: yeah i'v seen them all unmasked
Can you draw the tribal S?: yeah i draw it on everything i own
Do you know what shawn named his mask?: yeah
This or That,Slipknot Style
Self Titled or Iowa?: Iowa
(sic) or People = Shit?: People=Shit
Spit it Out or The Heretic Anthem?: Spit it Out
Purity or Snap?: Purity
Wait and Bleed or My Plague?: Wait and Bleed
Left Behind or Liberate?: Left Behind
Scissors or Iowa?: Iowa
Only One or Everything Ends?: Everything Ends
Eyeless or Disasterpiece?: Disasterpiece
Joey or Corey?: Both
James or Mick?: Both
Shawn or Chris?: Both
Paul or Craig?: Paul but u know what Both
Sid or Shawn?: Both
New Masks or Old Masks?: I would use them for all there shows for like different songs you know
Red jumpsuits or Black jumpsuits?: Red Jumpsuits motherfuck
Long hair Corey or Short hair Corey?: long hair corey but he still sounds amazing either way
Anders or Corey?: Coery
Murderdolls or Stone Sour?: Stone Sour but Slipknot over all
Random Shit
If you could replace any of the members,would you?: FUCK NO
Which one?Who would you replace them with?: no one
Do you think Joey is the best metal drummer in the world?: fuck yeah
Do you think corey should fix his hair where it doesnt look like an afro?: it's his hair let him do w/e he wants thats his thing and i respect that
Did you like this survey?: yeah it waz awesome
Well i hope you liked it,you know since this is the only slipknot survey,i
guess I have THE BEST slipknot survey on here,im honored
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODEI play bass
My band is called life beyond reason
i have g/f named Nora Famularo who i love alot by the way 6/4/07
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href="http://quiz.myyearbook.com/zenhex/quiz.php?id=6627" Which member of SLipKnoT are you?
Paul Grey
nobody really knows who you are, but you dont mind, cause you love making music, your a really underrated bass player, and you enjoy hip hop and metal.
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Which Slipknot Single Are You?
Wait and Bleed
You are Wait and Bleed from the Slipknot (Self-Titled) album. You like blood, and your ideal suicide would be slitting your wrists. After doing that you'd probably feast on the blood.
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What bass player are you? (pix pplz, 20 diff. outcomes)
Paul, a.k.a. number 2
Paul, also know as
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slipknot, metallica, avenged sevenfold?
You are Slipknot. You like to scream uncontrollably, but people still like your music.. Your names are in numbers. You dont want peple to see your face.
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What Band's Symbol are You?
Slipknot's Symbol
Slipknot's symbol represents you best. You can be evil at times, and even be satanic. You love loud music and probably like black or death metal. You're cool.
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Who Are You In Avenged Sevenfold? (pics)
Johnny Christ
YOU ARE JOHNNY CHRIST! You are on bass.You enjoy wearing lots of black eye makeup! You don't sing but you do pump up the crowd with your awesome playing and energetic attitude!
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Which HardxCore Band Are You?
As I Lay Dying
You love metalcore! You are respected by many people bacause you know your music and you dont fool around at shows.
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Are you a maggot or a juggalo?
You are a Maggot you love Slipknot and you do whatever they tell you to do so stay (sic) maggots!
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What instrument should you play in your band (metal)? :::pics:::
Bass Guitar
You're the time keeper. You're the studs behind the drywall. You usually just back up the guitars but every now and then you bust out a solo of your own and everyone loves it. You're not really recognized enough and you don't get the credit you should. Oh well, shit happens.
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Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com