I am Joshua Gutierrez? profile picture

I am Joshua Gutierrez?

I have no idea what's going on...

About Me

Unsure of what life holds, yet confident in the outcome. Wanting to be everything and nothing. Praying for unselfishness when all I care about is I. Either I think way to much or not enough. However a quote from Thomas Merton's, "The Seven Storey Mountain," describes my deepest fulfillment, "Whoever you are, the land to which God has brought you is not like the land of Egypt from which you came out. You can no longer live here as you lived there. Your old life and your former ways are crucified now, and you must not seek to live any more for your own gratification, but give up your own judgment into the hands of a wise director, and sacrifice your pleasures and comforts for the love of God and give the money you no longer spend on those things, to the poor."That's how I roll

My Interests

Jesus, The Catholic Church, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Dandelions, Spoken Word Poetry, Intellectual People, Long Walks on: Sidewalks, Grassy Areas, Places with Dirt, Asphalt, Carpet and Occasionally on the beach...Long Sits Before the Eucharist.

I'd like to meet:

Frisky Dingo - Robot Burn

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Hippity-Hop, Music with lots of bass, The Strumming of a good Classical Guitar, my nieces singing "Awesome God," A voice that sounds like it was sent from heaven, a voice that doesn't sound like it was sent from heaven and anything that makes me smile :)


Anything by Mr. Quentin Tarantino, The Princess Bride, The Life of David Gale, Brown Sugar, Memento, The Power Rangers Movie, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure,The Care Bear's Movie...


TV huh... Family Guy, Boondocks, Chappelle Show, Simpsons, AquaTeens, Late Night With Fr. Groeschelle, Celebrity Poker y muchos mas...


Many favs...I like the Bible a whole lot.


My Dad, My Mom, My Brother-in-law, My family, My Friends, Louie Chavez, Frankie Davis and Fr. Joe Quatropone.....

My Blog

Lost Sheep.

Lost Sheep.You startled me today, but I guess that's natural.  See you knew that I was lost and you let me wanderPhilosophies and false-truths you let me ponder.God, Jesus Christ, King you, you I...
Posted by I am Joshua Gutierrez? on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 11:41:00 PST


As I was sitting here ready to go to bed, I realized something...i've always said, "you sleep when you die," but now that my first year of college is coming to a close, I realized, SLEEP IS AMAZING......
Posted by I am Joshua Gutierrez? on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 02:44:00 PST

Catholic for a reason....

Father,Son,Holy SpiritSign of the CrossJesus, King of KingsMary, Queen of HeavenHoly Scripture,Sacred TraditionUnbroken Apostolic SuccessionBishops, Priests, and DeaconsCathedrals, Altars, Tabernacles...
Posted by I am Joshua Gutierrez? on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 02:11:00 PST