Jesus, The Catholic Church, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Dandelions, Spoken Word Poetry, Intellectual People, Long Walks on: Sidewalks, Grassy Areas, Places with Dirt, Asphalt, Carpet and Occasionally on the beach...Long Sits Before the Eucharist.
Frisky Dingo - Robot Burn
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Hippity-Hop, Music with lots of bass, The Strumming of a good Classical Guitar, my nieces singing "Awesome God," A voice that sounds like it was sent from heaven, a voice that doesn't sound like it was sent from heaven and anything that makes me smile :)
Anything by Mr. Quentin Tarantino, The Princess Bride, The Life of David Gale, Brown Sugar, Memento, The Power Rangers Movie, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure,The Care Bear's Movie...
TV huh... Family Guy, Boondocks, Chappelle Show, Simpsons, AquaTeens, Late Night With Fr. Groeschelle, Celebrity Poker y muchos mas...
Many favs...I like the Bible a whole lot.
My Dad, My Mom, My Brother-in-law, My family, My Friends, Louie Chavez, Frankie Davis and Fr. Joe Quatropone.....