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R.E.A Is a collective of Musicians, Artists, Trendsetters and Tastemakers that hail from the Rotten Empire (New York).Hip Hop Artists that have made a strong fan base everywhere from N.Y. to California, England to Japan, underground to popular. DJ’s that have played major television programs to famous venues and down to the smallest clubs & lounges. Artists that Paint, do Graphics and are involved in some of New York’s most cutting edge scenes within the five boroughs, or those who grew up to love and admire the New York scene and sound.
Rotten Empire Movement is not exclusive to just the City and State of New York but Worldwide. Hip Hop artists from East to West, DJ’s from Overseas and Artists from the all walks of life have gotten involved in this trendsetting movement.
The Spearheads to the Rotten Empire Allegianze are 2 MC’s from The Bronx by the names of Statuzz and Sara Kana a/k/a Lyrik. Lyrik who is a Multiple End of the Weak challenge winner, has battled at Fight Klub and reigned prominent as a winner. Statuzz, A former member of O.S.E. whose debut “Put Cha X Up†caused a strong buzz all through out musical circles when it hit the 50,000 units sold. Together the two of them have begun the Rotten Empire Allegianze that has had an immense impact.R.E.A @ EOW "The X Files"Jess Jamez Figueroa "F How You Feel About it"/"W.E.A.K"Hiz-Panik "Internet Taliban"Jess Jamez @ EOWB'Way,Dutch Vega,Hotrizzo,Statuzz AT DON HILLS