"The dead do not hate the living; love hates the dead for being dead and again and again summons them back because of this. One day, and soon, the boards will come down and the zombies will break in and devour everything in their path and yet someone will raise a shotgun and shoot the beloved who is no longer the beloved but something else, some other wanton thing that wears a recognizable face and someone in the audience will wonder if that is how we are to survive our memories."
-Richard Deming
Man, I always be wantin sloppy joes.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
If you remind me of how I felt in the 90s or 2005/2006, you're in. If you can make me really laugh, not just giggle, but full on belly uncontrollable, so awesome it almost hurts laugh (which is next to impossible these days), you're in.
My Blog
My Senior Will
To all the underclassmen of Daphne High School,I leave youmy ballsfor you to suck when I'm gone.-cbend Posted by on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 18:16:00 GMT
the end of somehting
which, as you all know, means the begining of somehting else.
replace the "somethings" with profound words if you like. it will make my "blog" sound much better.
i've decided butterflies and go... Posted by on Fri, 23 Dec 2005 22:22:00 GMT
it's gonna be fun......
my knee's waging war on me and winning. i can feel the weather in it, it feels wierd.
i deleted the thing abotu mexico so here it is again - i love the slums of mexico. i could live there. we met n... Posted by on Wed, 15 Jun 2005 22:26:00 GMT
what kind of koolaid is this? it's tea? i don't like tea, but this is good.
-i don't like the taste of any alcohol i've encountered so far
-i feel safe at waffle house
-my car, pedro, has feelings and i must cater to them or he won't work
-midget secu... Posted by on Sat, 07 May 2005 23:56:00 GMT
that's not a cigar.. uh.. and it's not mine
so i guess i actually have a myspace now. wierd. Posted by on Mon, 25 Apr 2005 20:18:00 GMT