Nothing new here....just polishin' up my card skills. Taking care of my lovely felines...trying to sane in Los Angeles, crazy bastard drivers!
No one in particular....
Rock - metal - classic rock - death metal - punk rock - heavy metal - alternative rock - industrial metal/rock and anything that falls into any of those catergories. I like sweet artists like Ben Harper, Ryan Adams, the Sundays, Sarah MacLachlan, the Pixies etc.
Godfather II, Indiana Jones-Temple of Doom, The Huslter, The Patriot, Princess Bride, The Changling..... just a few
Gordon Ramsey, I love to hate him and secretively love him. ESPN - yes, that's right, cause they play POKER! The Office, LOST, Ghost Hunters (TAPS!) I'm sure there's more, but I'm sleepy now and honestly, tv is just background entertainment to my poker playing.
I cant finish a damn book at this point! Life's too busy right now. Good thing or not, I am not sure.
ANYONE LIVING THEIR DREAM!! (wihtout harming others. some people have some sick dreams!)