Glen R. Analfury profile picture

Glen R. Analfury

Hey hobo's, ticklish?

About Me

I own a film & TV production company. I write comedy. I direct stuff. I have been nominated for many awards. I have never won any awards.I'm a better swimmer than Charles Manson. My nickname in highschool was, "who the fuck are you and how did you get invited to this party."I am to the world like a guy is who has to spend more time working on his similies.I put words together for a living.

My Interests

books, words, alcohol, girls, arguing about unimportant things with friends, voyeurism, laughing to the point of injury, sex, making fun of people less fortunate, stealing worthless knick-knacks from yard sales.

I'd like to meet:

People who read books, laugh, buy me drinks, show me parts of their body, point accussing fingers at the poor and disenfranchised and generally stopped trying to be cool years ago.Posers should touch my poo with their face while it is coming out of my bottom.


Wilco, the jam, Kings of Leon, Buck 65, Nick Cave, Beasts of Bourbon, Gerry Gerry and the Sons of Rythmn Orchestra, The Replacements, Hellacopters, Cramps, leo koetke, nina simone, black sabbath, clash, marty robbins, Hank Williams 1 &3 (Hank Jr, {2} sucks fat dick), Deadsy, Cornershop, Happy Mondays, Stone Roses, Rev. Horton Heat, Red Kross,


12 angry men, truman show, to kill a mockingbird, bottlerocket, rushmore, where the red ferns grow, the adjuster, the button war, bob roberts


neighbors, The Killer Inside Me. Killer on the road, the ass Saw the angel, confederacy of dunces, the thought gang, moon palace, sorrow floats, celebration, barrel fever, why not me, a big boy did it and ran away, skipped parts, lamb; the gospel according to biff, chokeauthors - Tim Winton, Paul Auster, Christopher Moore, Christopher Buckley, P.J. ORourke, Tibor Fischer, James Ellroy, Jim Thompson, Denis Lehane, Ken Bruen, Ian Banks, Michael Collins, Stewart O'Nan .... to many more to list

My Blog

You are probably stupid

I will preface this by admitting that for the most part I hate people and would prefer to be left alone or live in a shed in the forest. However, I also believe most people are worth despising so it's...
Posted by Glen R. Analfury on Wed, 24 May 2006 11:52:00 PST

Hairlips, midgets, retards

I am always suspicious of men with moustaches because more often than not I figure they're really hair-lips trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. There is a girl who works at the coffee shop...
Posted by Glen R. Analfury on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 10:22:00 PST

Alphabetical listing, you bet your fucking ass

An Alphabetical Listing of bad band name ideas if I were in a band Aldus Huxley's main protagonists Bjorn under a bad sign (if I was Swedish and in a cover band) Cuntpuncher Das Dais Elton's Longjohns...
Posted by Glen R. Analfury on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 09:49:00 PST

reply fuckers

In my never ending quest to expand my knowledge base and to give me something constructive to do between yanks and writing stern letters of rebuttal to cat fancy magazine I have developed the followin...
Posted by Glen R. Analfury on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Hey Kids read this

KEVIN & OLLIE Kevins birthday was coming up and he was going to be ten years old and more than anything in the world he wanted a puppy of his very own. Every year, Kevin would ask his parents for ...
Posted by Glen R. Analfury on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


The Morning After Soft sunlight ribbons Cascading through windows Opaque with the steam of our love Soft stirrings and Gentle A.M. awakening. How you turned towards me and grunted distastefull...
Posted by Glen R. Analfury on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I WISH I wish I had the power to be perfect To assemble the governments of every country and Make them see the beauty of world peace. I wish I could promise my children eternal happiness And ha...
Posted by Glen R. Analfury on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Dirty skin river From Balloon-knot to sperm purse Touch, feel shame, wash hands
Posted by Glen R. Analfury on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Why I'm out of sorts

Forgive me if I seem out of sorts &. You see I cut my finger the other day. Oh I know what youre thinking, tough-guy cut his finger, no big deal. Well just wait until you hear how it happened. I was ...
Posted by Glen R. Analfury on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The worst thing

The absolute worst thing about my stamp collection is that I only have one because I keep sending away for new ones.
Posted by Glen R. Analfury on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST