Go to www.razorcake.org
"Todd Taylor's writing is forthright and soul-baring... punk rock is the fuel, the lifesblood and it drives his muse, whether writing about his own personal experiences or during his in-depth interviews with bands and other individuals--a desire to learn more, to make a connection, to gain further insight. Being born to rock is more than just about loving rock music--it's an insatiable quest to make sense of things and carve out ones own path in this crazy world."
–Al Quint
"Although Todd Taylor's words could acerbate, he's way too patient for that. He lets them sit inside you like a pack of batteries on an Arizona desert highway- they boil, then they blister...... and then they burn like the Whore of Babylon."
–Tony Adolescent
"When Todd Taylor graces our pages, we believe in punk rock again. And punk rock gives us hope."
–Ryan Henry, Thrasher
Shirley Wins
Shirley’s a grandmother who’s designed and built the world’s most powerful pumpkin-launching cannon.
At her side is Rachel, Shirley’s bright and quiet granddaughter, a budding geneticist electrified by punk rock.
Shirley’s interest in physics is re-ignited one day in a supermarket parking lot. Through the elating dance of discovery, the painful crunch of broken bones, and the shame of failed experiments, she vaults her head down the loaded barrel of life’s biggest consequences while carefully calculating a brand new trajectory for herself.
Shirley Wins is a novel of not giving up and not giving in. It’s a story about punching the world back in the arm.
Geek and Dork Tour 2007
Sat., April 14th: Minneapolis, MN
Arise Books, 2441 Lyndale Ave S. Minneapolis, MN, 55405
With: Ba Ba Blacksheep (Mpls acoustic pop punk explosion!)
(The Hex  punk rock with a viola, tuba, and drums.)
7 PM
Sun., April 15th: Chicago, IL
Quimby’s, 1854 West North Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60622
With: Jonathan Messinger
4 PM
Monday, April 16th: Kalamazoo, MI
Kraftbrau Brewery, Inc., 402 East Kalamazoo Ave. Kalamazoo, MI 49007
With: The Rhythm Chicken (tentative)
6:30 PM
Tuesday, April 17th: Cleveland, OH
Mac's Backs, 1820 Coventry Rd., Cleveland, OH 44118
7 PM
Weds, April 18th: Baltimore, MD
Charm City Art Space, 4820 Roland Ave., Apt. B, Baltimore, MD, 21210
With: Skizz Cyzyk (punk rock covers on ukulele)
Time: ?
Thurs., April 19th: Philadelphia
Big Jar Books, 55 N. 2nd St. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
With: Mickey Hess
7 PM
Friday, April 20th: New Jersey
Rider University 3:30 PM, email for more information
Friday, April 20th: New Jersey
A punk house in New Brunswick, www.myspace.com/basementshows
Time: ?
With: The Ergs! doing an acoustic set
Email for more information
Sat., April 21st: Brooklyn
Freebird Books: 123 Columbia St. Brooklyn, NY 11231
7 PM
With Brian Cogan
If you'd like to order it, go here.