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About Me

Your reality is your reality. Your perception is your perception. Whatever your truth is, it is. Trying to understand the difference between your truth and the truth of others that has been embedded in your consciousness and being is a great challenge.How do we honestly know the difference? Go inside of yourself…The answer lies there. There are two types of life warriors. The leaders and the followers. Being a leader requires constant seeking of one’s own truth. Being a follower is simply just believing and owning someone else’s truth. What are you? What is your beauty? What is your ugliness? What is fat? What is happy? What is perfect? What is love? What is art? What is? Your perception of your truth is what is, at this moment, in this time, and most likely ever changing. Everyone being wired and divinely programmed differently has their own truth. Every truth is valid and perhaps it’s the complete opposite of others’.Does it mean it’s wrong? Nothing is right or wrong…It just is. Right or wrong is merely just your own judgment and perception. Creating my own right and my own reality, and beauty on a stage or screen is my truth at this time. My own vision and instincts are what makes me…me. My timing, phrasing, and choice of vocabulary is my right. What is corny or false to me could be the most brilliant thing for someone else? Seek your own truth. Stand strong in it. Know it. Own it. Follow your gut instincts and never question. Your reality is yours and your reality is perfect! Remember, my writing is my own little perception, of my own little truth inside this big vast world of billions of individual truths. Perfect.My reality is my perception of my existence…I’m not sure if my reality is exactly where I would like it to be…I wish I could see all the blessings I have in my life at every minute of every day.Why is it always so difficult to perceive reality with positivity? Always inadequacy…I want to devour the true reality of my life I no longer want to be numb to my wondrous journey, anymore seems like all I concentrate on is what I haven’t achieved yet in my life or what I’ve not become as a woman or artist… What about all I have become and achieved? I believe there is another way of existing and its my fantasy of the perfect life.The funny thing is…I’ve dreamt of the life im living as a fantasy… Now it is my reality…My goal and treasure is to learn to pat myself on my back, smile and exhale… And most of all to open my eyes to the beautiful blessed life i have been given.Mia Michaels PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE!

My Blog

My Kid Rocks- Autumn
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 07:35:00 GMT


Wanted to tell you all in CALI that we are coming out for a vist in July. We would like to see everyone . The dates right now are July 11 thru 19. We are going to Disneyland and plan to eat alot. IN ...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 11:45:00 GMT

To the people we love

OK I TOOK THIS FROM MY COUSINS MY SPACE !!!!! But I loved it. So thanx Chels.... What I love... is catching up with a great friend. You know those best friends you have always had, that no matter how ...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 21:49:00 GMT

My Loved friend Tretha

..> ..> ..> I just found out that a true friend of mine has died. The worst part is I found out on MY SPACE. I want everyone to know that you mean alot to me even if we do not talk all the tim...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 09:16:00 GMT


The Move is DONE>  We got to Springfield in Mid July and could not be happier that the move is over.  The kids are really liking it here. They will start school Aug. 28. Autumn will be star...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 10:42:00 GMT