Coon Daddy profile picture

Coon Daddy

Choice is one of the greatest gifts, God has given us... Use it wisely!

About Me

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My Interests

Spending time with God; playing with my two beautiful children and watching them grow and learn, though I don't get a chance to do that as often as I would like; spending time with my gorgeous wife, but that hardly ever gets to happen; creating music, sculpting, watching movies, and paintball are also things I love to do.

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Not Just Sunday, Realm of Influence! Dream Theater, Alice in Chains, Shine Down, Dream Theater, Third Day, Mercy Me, Pantera, Pillar, Dream Theater, Metallica, Christ for the Nations, Starfield, Skid Row, did I say Dream Theater? Primus, A perfect Circle, Queensryche, Circle Slide, Gretchen, oh yeah... and Dream Theater. Just to name a few. I am not really into the new bands as you can see. They kind of lost all musicianship, they all just down-strum a few guitar cords play on 4 piece drumsets and sing in a mono tone voice these days. What happened to a surrounding drumset with massive, hard to play fills and awesome grooves? Guitar solos?... when's the last time you heard one of those? And a singer with a great range (lows and highs beautiful then in your face? Everybody these days all sound like pearljam's singer or nickleback. and every single song is sung the same. AHHHH!!! No thanks, I'll stick to listening to music that takes talent to play.


The Lord of the Rings, Men in Black, Office Space, Star Wars of course along with all the kids movies I get to watch now with my kiddos.


Not really into the TV thing. There is never anything of interest on. I was into Smallville for a while but...


The Holy Bible, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Left Behind, Sphere, Angels and Demons, Harry Potter (really, they aren't too bad actually), When the Wind Blows, The Lake House just to name a few


Jesus Christ saved my life! Jennifer Coon (my wife) I don't know where I would be without her. My Kids! They helped me grow up... a little ;)