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Breathe Slowly, Think Clearly, Be Well.

About Me

Who really knows who they are, anyway? Most of what we do is controlled by unconscious tendencies that instigate irrational behavior. So, the control we have and the resulting self-conscious image is distorted. If we do know who we are, it's through a long and arduous process of self-discovery.Not that I'm complaining..Please check out the brandon hein website and do what you can to help...I'll consider it a personal favor. If you have any questions about the felony murder rule or the legalese, please ask me and I will do what I can to answer your questions...or at least point you towards an answer.

My Interests

Philosophy, Eastern Thought, International Politics, Chinese, Wine, Crisp Air

I'd like to meet:

People who act according to good principles. People who smile at random strangers.


Concerning the music that I listen to, I guess I have only one thing to say...

I got a fever, and the only prescription is MORE COWBELL!!!!


Television: do I really get to the point here....

TV has pacified us.

The way in most people watch TV nowadays closely resembles a the way a deer stares into the headlights of an oncoming car. It upsets me to see people spongily absorbing whatever their sets throw at them-rather than keeping up a critical front against an onslaught of bullshit.

This wouldn't such a terrible thing if not for another fact: Watching TV has almost ceased to become a communal event. Even when you're watching the same program, you tend to be watching "next to" rather than "with" others. Exceptions abound, of course, but I think this as valid of an observation as they come.So TV...not usually for me.


More important for my brain than red blood cells are the books that have helped shape my personal worldview.

I usually carry two books at a tends to be a mind excercise while the other tends to be more of an "relaxing" read. For example, I have in my bag (on 8/1/06) two books: The Parallax View by Slavoj Zizek and The Idiot by Dostoyevsky.
At the risk of sounding like every other pretentious asshole, I'm going to list someof the authors and texts that have had an academic or personal impact, however massive or slight, agreeable or disagreeable. And, in no particular order:
Any words and teachings attributed to Buddha, Ibn Sina, Ayn Rand, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Arthur Shopenhauer, Plato, Immanuel Kant, J.S. Mill, John Locke, Karl Marx, Rosa Luxemborg, Milton Friedman, Fredreich Nietzsche, Rene Descartes, David Hume, Noam Chomsky, Derek Parfit, Thomas Paine, The Upanishads, Lewis Lapham, "Where do Babies Come From?", Bernstein, Dan Dennet, Nathaniel Branden, George Smith, Franz Kafka, Howard Zinn, Mulla Sadra, Sri Sankara, G.W. Hegel, Thomas Szaz, Emma Goldman, Nikolai Gogol, Slavoj Zizek.
My memory usually lags. So i just kinda update this section when I remember what I've just read.
This is my ninja fetus.img src=""


."There is not enough love and goodness in this world to be giving it away to imaginary beings." "What? Is man a mistake of God? Or God a mistake of man?"