Basketball, Football, hanging out with the AKS Crew, movies, working out, Rehab (freakin' knees!), my pets...especially the reptiles! Video games...Fight Night anybody?? I'll knock your a$$ out!
God the Almighty.....I have so many questions! Heaven better have one helluva library up there!
All kinds but hardly country. I miss R&B pre hip-hop! Can we bring it back?!?!
Action/adventure, sci-fi (Jedi rule!), comedies....40 year old Virgin is the funniest movie ever made!
The Office (best show on tv!), Scrubs, Smallville, Criminal Minds, Seinfeld..still! WWE Raw and TNA (yes that is wrestling d@mn it!) Sportscenter.
The Bible (at least I need to read it!!!!)
My mother for overcoming incredible odds her whole life.