Spending money, Having a good night out, Going to the gym, having days out and watching films.. Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com
Funky House, The Kooks, Artic Monkeys, Lily Allen, Old School Garage, The Killers, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Panic at the Disco, DJ luck and MC neat, McFly, Rihanna ,Bloc Party, Joey Negro, Hard Fi, Kaiser Cheifs, JoJo, Calvin Harris.....
I love all films apart from sad ones and scary ones!!
Desperate Housewifes and Big Brother, Hollyoaks and Neighbours which I sadly miss now Im working!
Noughts and Crosses the Trillogy ... Absolutley Brillant!
Mr Callum Rees Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com