The Electric Fetus Onestop is the distribution side of The Electric Fetus Record Store(s). Conveniently located in the basement of Minneapolis Electric Fetus store on 2000 4th Ave. South in Minneapolis, MN.
The Electric Fetus One Stop provides Cd's to other record stores at wholesale cost. We have a huge emphasis on local music and aim to provide an outlet for local musicians/bands to consign their Cd's or records to be available for distribution through the One Stop. The One Stop's primary focus is local indie record stores and secondly national Independant Record Stores.
How to consign your records in the Onestop:1. Call ahead to make an appointment. Stopping by is OK if you’re in the area but don’t expect that someone will be around to help you.
2. Have a finished product ready to sell complete with a barcode. Have your band’s tax id ready or have your social security number ready. We’ll need one of those to set you up to receive payment.
3. Discuss with your band (if applicable) on what you’d like the record to sell for before you come in. Price is very important and once it’s set we CANNOT change it for until your contract is up in 6 months. Try to keep the record the same price everywhere you consign it.
4. Tell your consignment contact what the band is up to, i.e. touring ext. The Onestop does not guarantee distribution to any store other than The Electric Fetus but keep your contact informed. It will help them sell your record to other stores in the Midwest.
5. Limit your calls to once a month. Email is always a better way to ask questions and check sales on your record. Be polite when calling or emailing and be clear about what band/artist you represent. Try to keep one person in the band in charge of your consignment. There is no need to call or email more than once. Someone will get back to you.
6. Update us by emailing [email protected] of ANY changes to your address or phone number as soon as possible. If you want to get paid we need accurate information on where to mail your check and how to contact you to order more product.
7. Once a band or person is set-up as the vendor/contact for your consignment the vendor is the only person that can make any changes to your contract with us. To change the vendor for your product, we need written (email is fine) permission from the old vendor to switch to a new vendor. For example, if your drummer Bill is in charge of consigning and re-stocking product and Bill is for some reason kicked out the band/moves/implodes whatever, Bill is still the person we will pay for all of your records until he gives us permission to do otherwise. Keep this in mind when deciding which member of the band is handles your CD sales.
8. Always be polite when calling and asking for checks. The Electric Fetus will always pay you and cuts checks for consignments 2X per month. The nicer you are on the phone the quicker we are to help you get paid.
9. Be polite to our receptionist.
10. Keep in mind the Onestop does not promote or advertise your record in any way. Promoting the record is your job. We will make sure your record is properly represented in the music community and you may even make it on our weekly top ten list which is strictly bases on sales numbers not favorites. You should not have to push you record on us. The music should sell itself.