About Me
*If I'm bored, I tend to teach myself a new hobby.
*I've decided to never try to justify to someone, why they should like me.
*I think I know who I am, and what I have to offer.
*People are my art.
*Haircolor, shears, and make-up are my grown up versions of fingerpaints, and safety scissors.
*I love that I can make what I love into a career.
*My job brings the people watching, to me.
*My job has also given me a love for the game Scrabble.
*I get to meet cool new people, everyday.
*If I still said, "Its 100% about the music", I'd be lying.
*This makes me question whether friendships or music from said bands has had more of an impact.
*I am constantly on the run, and most usually I see more of the road, then I do of my friends. Or, have to see the road to get to my friends.
*I know some of the most incredible people.
*I believe in signs, paths, things happening for a reason, and an almighty power that we're all trying to return to. But, I do not believe your life is predestined by God, or that you choose your fates, before you're "born".
*I will be your best friend, lookout for you, and do anything I can to help you...until you prove unworthy/ungrateful.
*I'll probably even help you, over helping myself.
*Don't mistake my compassion for being weak, a pushover, or anything you can take advantage of. You will be proven wrong, and then some.
*Some people think I'm a total bitch, and some people think I'm the sweetest person in the world. You are welcome to form your own opinion.
*I am a Gemini, and if you don't know what that means, you might think I'm a bit "all over the map".
*I believe there is so much to be told by your birth chart, and that most of the time, it tells me more about you, than you do.
*Passion drives me.
*I love the beauty in people, however hard it is to find sometimes.
*If you're closeminded, chances are...we won't get along.
*I believe in a lot of things people disregard.
*I look at everything closely, most of the time too closely.
*I'm easily amused, and my sense of humor is sometimes considered odd.
*Most likely, I know a lot more about you, than you do about me.