* gidget [says : eWw "S.R". is gr0sSsSs! profile picture

* gidget [says : eWw "S.R". is gr0sSsSs!

t0day is the 1st day 0f the reSt 0f my Life and when i die, bury me face d0wn . . . s0 the wh0Le w0r

About Me

* I am Natali and what y0u see is what y0u get.
* I am 22 years 0ld, b0rn august 23, 1984
* I am 4’11. I l0ve being sh0rt!
* I live in y0nkers right n0w – I hate it – I was raised in the br0nx & spend alm0st every free m0ment there
* I plan 0n eventually m0ving t0 Italy (( like “under the tuscan sun”))
* I w0uld m0ve t0 Calif0rnia instead…in a heartbeat!!!
* The best & worst thing about me is my ginormous heart.
* Th0se wh0 deserve my l0ve & friendship mean the w0rld t0 me!!
* The m0st imp0rtant pers0n in my life was my Nanny. She is literally all that keeps me g0ing everyday! (rest0 nell0 pace e ti am0!)
* I just graduated fr0m St. j0hn’s university and am g0ing f0r my masters at Lehman c0llege.
* Teaching is what I always wanted t0 d0 (n0t because 0f summers 0ff but because it is the m0st self rewarding j0b every single day!)
* I say “phen0menal” al0t and I curse like a fcukin sailor!
* My fav0rite candy is pixie sticks & nerds
* Sunday is my fav0rite day 0f the week: F00TBALL!
* I am a JETS fan and n0 0ne can c0nvince me it’s a bad thing!
* My fav0rite c0l0r is yell0w (( mainly cause I like t0 be different ))
* Br0nx Tale is the best m0vie ever!!! (( Pretty w0man, Bad B0ys Dirty Dancing Mr & Mrs Smith . . . see my 0ther fav0rites 0n the page ))
* I am 0bsessed with ch0c0late (( especially dark ch0c0late kisses! ))
* I listen t0 all kinds 0f music…especially italian, h0use, and alternative
* I l0ve t0 travel . . . I c0uld spend my life 0n the beach!
* I take a million picture because I l0ve mem0ries . . . they usually last l0nger than friends.
* I w0rk 0ut and run because it relieves stress & makes me feel pretty BUT I will always eat what I want!
* I want t0 b0x . . . t0 punch things ;)
* I l0ve t0 dance!...endless nights dancing and the wh0le next 3 days in bed cuddling & watching m0vies.
* I d0nt judge pe0ple because n0 0ne is perfect and I have made plenty my 0wn mistakes.
* I HATE LIARS & CHEATERS – be h0nest with me 0r exit my life right n0w!
* I f0ll0w my heart. It gets me int0 tr0uble & hurt many times but at least I kn0w it is what I want.
* My biggest mistake was letting g0 0f the best thing that ever happened t0 me & n0t fighting t0 make it w0rk. I was y0ung then and have learned fr0m my mistake. I am spending everyday trying t0 make up f0r it because there is n0 greater feeling than the greatest l0ve 0f y0ur life. D0n’t ever give up what y0u kn0w is right just because 0f what every0ne tells y0u is supp0sed t0 be right.
* I am easy g0ing and very simple minded (in a silly inn0cent kind 0f way)

* I l0ve c0oking
* I want a family with at least 3 kids and a d0g 0r tw0
* I like expensive things but am realistic and n0t selfish (( but feel free t0 sp0il me if y0u’d like )) just (alm0st) kidding!
* M0st 0f the time I care m0re ab0ut 0ther pe0ple and w0rrying ab0ut them then d0ing what is right f0r me.
* I am stubb0rn but will listen if y0u appr0ach me calmly.
* I think being hung up 0n is the m0st disrespectful thing y0u can d0 to me!!
* Summer is phen0menal but Christmas & New Years is my fav0rite time 0f the year.
* I l0ve c0rny Christmas m0vies
* T0 save the best f0r last: I ABSAFUCKINLUTELY L0VE MY FRIENDS! S0metimes they d0nt realize h0w imp0rtant they are.
* Celeste . Crazy Acres & the rest 0f my br0nx dudes . Daryl . Mike P. Lindsey . Steve . Elsa . Danielle (( there are s0me pe0ple wh0 n0 matter what – they will always be there and n0 0ne is there f0r me 0r laughs with me m0re than these & i'm s0 grateful t0 have them because we are s0o friggin hilari0us & 0f c0urse an amazingly g0od l0oking gr0up!))

by trying t0 save y0ur life im l0sing mine, i g0tta walk away & h0pe 0ne day y0u'll be fine
and when y0ur crawling 0ver br0ken glass t0 get t0 me thats when ill let y0u stay

Full Name :: NaTaLi AnN tHeReSa BrUnO
Birthday :: AuGuSt * 23
Birthplace :: BrOnXviLLe
Current Location :: MoUnT VeRnOn
Hair Color/Type/Length :: DaRk/StRaIgHt/MeDiUm
Eye Color :: DaRk BrOwN
Height :: 4'11"
Right/Left Handed :: RiGhTy
Heritage :: iTaLiAn
Clothes/Shoes Worn Today :: SwEaTs
Your Weakness :: cHoCoLaTe, LoVe & NoT GiViNg Up WhEn i ShOuLd
Your Fears :: GoInG bLiNd
Your Strength(s) :: MakInG PeOpLe sMiLe, CoOkiNg
Do You Sing :: iN tHe ShOwEr
Do You Dance :: DeFiNaTeLy
Do You Play an Instrument :: NoPE
Do You Play a Sport :: NoT aNyMoRe
Color of Your Room :: wHiTe, BeIgE, GoLd, ReD
Bed Size :: QuEeN
What are You Known For :: BeInG ShOrT, FuNnY & SwEeT
What Do People Think of You :: i HaVe A ReLLy GoOd HeArT What Do You Think of Yourself :: i ThInK iM SiLLy...& OfTeN mIsUnDeRsToOd
What is Your Clothing Style :: DePeNdS oN MY MoOd
Stripes or Polka Dots :: PoLkA dOtS
Last Thing You Ate :: cHoCoLaTe ChIp PaNcAkEs
Fruits or Vegetables :: BoTh
Your Dream Car ((realistic)) :: GtO -- ((dreamin)) FeRrArI
Do You Smoke :: NoPe
Do You Drink :: Eh iLL hAvE a CoRoNa & ShOT oF tEqUiLa
Do You Do Drugs :: ;/
Do You Steal :: NoPe
Do You Swear :: No FcKn WaY!!
Are You Trashy or Classy :: cLaSsY
Do You Think You are Attractive :: i LiKe 2 tHiNk So
What Do People Like Best About You :: sMiLe & SeNsE oF HuMoR
Your Biggest Regret :: (( 326 )) & SaYiN s/T sTuPiD I dIdNt MeAn ( Something You Hate :: ThE CoLd & WhEn My PaNtS aRe ToO LoNg!!
Something You Love :: RoLLeR CoAsTeRs, ThE bEaCh, ChRiStMaS
Someone You Love :: My SiStEr
Body Piercings You Have, If Any :: 2 iN eAcH eAr, 1 CaRtiLaGe & My NoSe
Favorite WaT ? ::
Thoughts First Waking Up :: GoOd MoRnInG LoVeLy SiStEr WhO wOkE mE uP...iM gUnNa KiCk Ur AsSs
Phrase/Word Overused by You :: UgHh!!!
Your Perfect Pizza :: PaN piE fRoM LiNcoLn LoUnGe
Your Most Missed Memory :: My NaNnY ... @ ChRiStMaS
Single or Taken :: SiNgLe
Are You Hard to Get/Easy or "Friendly" :: fRiEndLy
. Do You Want to Get Married :: YeP
What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up :: A TeAcHeR & a MoMmY
Store(s) :: BeBeSpOrT, A/X ChAroLLoTe RuSse, AAO, PaPyA, V.S., oLd NaVy ManDeE
Drink(s) :: CoRoNa MaRgAriTaS & MuDsLiDeS
Song(s) :: ToO MaNy...
Music(s) :: ^
Color(s) :: YeLLoW
CD Album(s) :: HoUse MiXs, KeLLy cLaRkSoN, ReiNa, DiRtY DaNcIn & BxTaLe SoUnDtRaCks
Snack(s) :: CaNdY (pReFeRbLy KiSsEs), PoPcOrN
Person(s) :: My BiFfLe EuNiCe & My SiStEr (( WeN ShEs NoT CrAnKy)) Car(s) :: GTO
Place :: ThE bEaCh, ThE BrOnx & ItaLy
Age ::???
Number :: 823
Letter :: N
Movie(s) :: BrOnX TaLe, DiRtY DaNcInG, PrEtTy WoMaN, ((SeE aBoVe...))
Actor/Actress :: JuLiA rObErTs, LuCiLLe BaLL, AdAm SaNdLeR
Animal :: DoGs & kOaLaS
Season :: FaLL
Food(s) :: EgGpLaNt PaRm ThAt My NaNNy MaKeS
Ideal Boy/Girl
Hair Style/Color/Length :: DaRk ... NoT tOo ShOrT
Eye Color ::...
Style :: LoOkS cLeAn & GoOd iN AnYtHiNg
Height :: cLoSe To Or AbOvE 6
Personality :: CaRiNg, SiLLy, HoNeSt
Less/More/Equally Attractive as You :: duMb QuEsTiOn
Rich/Average/Poor :: CaN AtLeAsT sUpPoRt HiMsELf (( & treat me once in a while ))
Drinks :: Eh...PrEfErAbLy NoT sLoPpY
Smokes :: pLeAsE dOnT
Drugs :: NaHh
Any Body Piercings :: EaRs..
Weight :: AvErAgE
Main Priority :: HaPPiNeSs & FaMiLy
Appreciates :: ThE LiTtLe tHiNgS
Respects :: My fEeLiNgS
Loves LaUgHiNg WiTh Me
Hates :: LyiNg ChEaTiNg eTc.
Is this Person Real :: HoPe So
Is this Person Yours if he/she is Real

My Interests

me & linz after pr0m * mem0ries! * y0u g0tta l0ve the style!

Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

"sister-in-law" . . . but m0re imp0rtantly: 0ne 0f my bestests!

s0me best friends...we g0 way back t0 0ld sk0ol!!


Eddie & me d0in 0ur thing @ the JETS game!!

ms. repetti & me

Me & AL Mac

balbi vurch & me reppin the bX

nick & mehall0ween 06 @ aura - me & ryan

I'd like to meet:

lil cliffie - the reas0n f0r the carseat in my truck


ALt/r0ck, FreestyLe, HipH0p/R&B, italian, 0Ldies


* THE LONGEST YARD!!!! * Bad B0ys 1 & 2 * HAPPY FEET! * Dirty Dancing, Casino * A Bronx Tale *(NEVER SAW GODFATHER!) * Mr & Mrs. Smith * Gidget * Pretty Woman * My Cousin Vinny * Jay & Silent Bob * Jerry Mcguire * TEN THINGS I HATE AB0UT Y0U!!! * Super Troopers, ANYTHING with Adam Sandler * Diary of a Mad Black Woman, The Terminal * Finding Nemo * Lilo & Stitch * Big Fish * 80's movies...ill keep going...


4get televisi0n- i watch my life.


Tuesdays With Morrey, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Embraced by the Light, The Stupidest Angel, The Interruption of Everything, Harry Potter


* My Grandmother * (( RiP NaNnY 3 aaf ))

My Blog

* C0 2o06 *

Graduati0n t0day!! SJU cLass 0f 2006! " ii kn0w g0d has a plan. ii just wish ii c0uld sneak a peak @ it s0metimes "n0w what?? after f0LL0wing what i'm supp0sed t0 f0r 21 years _ 17 years 0f sch0o...
Posted by sn0oty b0oty!!! on Mon, 15 May 2006 06:30:00 PST

80's kids

19801. You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE" 2. You watched the Pound Puppies. 3. You can sing the rap to "The Fresh Prince of Belair" 4. You wore skorts and felt stylish.5. You yearned ...
Posted by sn0oty b0oty!!! on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 11:08:00 PST