Peacemaker profile picture


About Me

We have existed since Autumn 1996. At the beginning of our adventure with real music we were looking for a place where we could play, musicians, instruments and a name of course. At least we started to play as Nameless with 4 musicians (lead guitar, bass guitar, drums and vocal).Unfortunately, our vocalist and drummer left us very quickly. In march 1997 joined us our new drummer and a new vocalist and we changed the name into State Of Hate. And again (at the end of that year) we had to split up with the vocalist and we started looking for suitable people. Our search was completely failure - it was simple, we live in a small town and there aren't any people who would like to play what we do. In that situation we had to choice - the end or playing as a band with three musicians only. We chose the second solution and we know that it wouldn't be (and it isn't) easy. Once again we changed the name into Pecemaker and as a trio (Sebol - drums, Kucol - guitar, vocal, Devil - bass guitar, lead vocal) we played to the end of 2003 when a new guitarist - Luki - joined the band. Finally in march 2005 we found new vocalist - Jankes.
2005 - Brave New Day promo CD
2003 - promo CD - 4 tracks from All The Tricks Permitted (Grindependence)
2003 - All The Tricks Permitted (Grindependence)-unreleased tracks
2002 -Different Ways Of Percepting The World - tape released by N.I.C.
2000 - split tape with Po Trupach
1999 - 100% demo tape
Compilations: D.I.Y. compilation 2002 with Po Trupach, Face Of Reality, Canalis Analis and more. Compilation 2002 UNITED BLOOD ..3 Hardcore Magazine with Coalition, Frontside, Nyshynga, Forest In Blood and many others.
Istniejemy od jesieni 1996 roku. Poczatkowy okres to oczywiscie szukanie miejsca na próby, sprzetu, ludzi no i nazwy. W koncu wystartowalismy jako NAMELESS w czteroosobowym skladzie (gitara, bas, bebny, wokal). Jednak bardzo szybko (z róznych wzgledów) rozstalismy z wokalista oraz palkerem. W marcu 1997 r. dolaczyl do nas obecny bebniarz oraz nowy wokal, co pociagnelo za soba zmiane nazwy na State of Hate. Niestety z koncem tego samego roku (z przyczyn od nikogo niezaleznych) musielismy po raz kolejny rozstac sie z wokalista i rozpoczelismy kolejne poszukiwania wlasciwego skladu. Zakonczyly sie one totalnym niepowodzeniem-po prostu okazalo sie, ze mieszkamy w malym miasteczku i nie ma w nim ludzi, którzy by chcieli grac to co my... W takiej sytuacji mielismy do wyboru, albo skonczyc z graniem, albo dalej tworzyc w trzyosobowym skladzie. Wybralismy to drugie, choc zdawalismy sobie sprawe, ze nie bedzie to (i nie bylo) latwe... Ustalenie skladu na trio – (Sebol-bebny, Kucol-gitara,wokal, Devil-bas, wokal) pociagnelo za soba zmiane nazwy na obecna - PEACEMAKER. Pod koniec 2003 roku do naszego trio dolaczyl drugi gitarzysta - Luki a w marcu 2005 roku w naszym zespole wreszcie pojawil sie wokalista-Jankes.
2005 - Brave New Day promo CD
2003 - promo CD - 4 utwory z All The Tricks Permitted (Grindependence)
2003 - All The Tricks Permitted (Grindependence)-nieopublikowany material
2002 -Different Ways Of Percepting The World - tasma wydana przez N.I.C.
2000 - tasma split z Po Trupach
1999 - 100% tasma demo
Kompilacje: D.I.Y. kompilacja 2002 z Po Trupach, Face Of Reality, Canalis Analis.
Kompilacja 2002 UNITED BLOOD nr 3 Hardcore Magazine z Coalition, Frontside, Nyshynga, Forest In Blood.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/07/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Jankes - vocals

Kucol - guitars & vocals

Sebol - drums

Luki - guitars

Devil - bass & vocals

Influences: chaoscore/hardcore/grindcore/tech death metal
Record Label: None - We're Looking For...!!!

My Blog


Nameless: 1.1996-11-??.Rawicz 2.1996-12-05.Wasosz 3.1997-01-??.RawiczState Of Hate: 4.1997-06-??."Podium" Wroclaw 5.1998-01-02.RawiczPeacemaker: 6.1998-01-16.Wolow -z Schizma i Awake 7.1998-10-3...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 02:12:00 GMT