L’objectif de ce projet est de mettre en place un théâtre d’ombre en mouvement, liant le visiteur de l’installation et des pièces représentant des soldats ou des individus figés dans l’aboutissement de la vie.
Le spectateur va évoluer dans un univers clos.
Un univers qui possède, une entrée et une sortie, créant ainsi un espace temps entre vivant et mort.
Par son passage, son mouvement, le spectateur (acteur), déclenche des mécanismes qui projettent la lumière, et donc l’ombre.
Il fait ici, partie intégrante de l’oeuvre, il a donc le choix de la faire vivre ou non.
Le thème est celui de notre rapport intime à la mort.
Pour développer celui-ci, notre réflexion se pose sur des oppositions ou des complémentarités.
Ombre et lumière, fixité et mouvement, matériel et immatériel.
« L’Armée des Ombres » est donc ce dialogue qui s’installe entre vivant et mort.
The discovery of a stock of Second World War helmets which survived through time is one of the elements which triggered this work.These are, to us, evocative of a vision of war that expresses itself through movement, sound light, fear, shades and finally death. What is more the contact with iron enforces the cold, hurting and deadly dimension. All these elements and “mental images†will be making up this plastic work.The aim of this project is to set up a theatre with moving shadows, creating a link between the visitor and the pieces representing soldiers or individuals petrified at the end of life. The viewer will be moving about in a closed space. A space which has an entrance and an exit, thus setting a time space between the living state and death.While passing and moving about, the viewer (and actor) triggers mechanisms casting light, and therefore shadow as well. He is playing an active part in the work and has the choice to let it live or not.This work is influenced by codes and a certain type of cinema language that we map onto this plastic creation. The starting point of each of the pieces creation arises from film making points of view, where close-ups, for example, are used. The theme is that of our intimate relationship to death. In order to develop it, our reflection is based on opposing or complementary ideas.Shade and light, fixedness and movement, material and immaterial “The Army of Shadows†thus consists in the dialogue between life and death.
EXPO Novembre 2008