Make A Change profile picture

Make A Change

& even before, we praise God for the victory!

About Me

July 9th
Unfortunatly Heart Like A Hero won't be playing, but Second Sound will be opening and we may have another band to be announced soon...
August 10th

Hii! WOW summer has been awesome so far! We have a show coming up on Thursday July 2nd and Thursday July 9th! We hope to see you there and would love you to message us saying you want to help.
We really hope everyone's summers have been as awesome and busy as all ours have so far. Kayla has been in Chicago on a missions trip. Rebecca has been in Colorado and is going to Nebraska and has to miss our show in the 2nd :(. Lisa has been keeping busy working. and I have been busy job searching and working. As a team we haven't spent a ton of time together yet this summer, but we are individualy praying for all of you and for the shows coming up. God has continually been providing for us and we are STOKED on what the future holds!
Don't forget we are always here to talk and want you to know there is hope. :) Blessings to all of you -Sarah / Make A Change
June 10th- Hey everyone! Kayla and I just got back from our first Make A Change tour with These Hearts on Sunday and it was amazing! We went to Grand Forks ND and Detroit Lakes, Grand Rapids, and Brainerd MN. It was awesome and God really moved in everyone of those cities! Thanks to everyone who came out to the shows and to those who were praying for us back home! We are now getting ready for the show at New Song coming up on Friday and then the show at the Nazerene on Monday the 15th. Its been a busy month but we will continue to be here for anything you need! Check out the video of us speaking in Brainerd, MN that I'll have up in the next day and thank you to Kayse for filming it for us. Let us know if you need prayer for anything! WE LOVE YOU! -Sarah, Make A Change.
june 4th Hey children! Kayla and Sarah are currently having a blast on tour. Rebecca and I really really wish we could be there serving people with them. Rebecca made new merch which is awesome! We have a ton of shows coming up so stay in touch with us and find out the details on those. As you can tell we are not taking a break this summer, we are hitting it hard and trying to bless as many people as God gives us. Stay tuned in and we will keep having updates :) Love and God Bless, now go live your life to the max! -Lisa, makeachange.
May 29thThanks to everyone who came out to the show lastnight at newsong church! we had a really good time, hungout with some new people and the music ruled! God flipped our world upside down lastnight as I had a talk prepared that i wanted to share, and our friend Dan randomly showed up there and was willing to share his testimony! so i ended up not even sharing what i had planned! that was so cool! thats what goin on God truely means. it rules so much! we are getting excited for our tour with these hearts this next week and would really appreciate your prayers and blessings upon it! becca is working on NEW TEE SHIRT DESIGNS and they will be out within the next week! keep on the lookout for our new layout and new merch! we love you all and cant wait for the next show! (:
kayla- makeachange.
may 17th, 2009
Hey people, its Kayla! We had a blast cooking mexican supper for the boys from VA last week for the show, thanks all who cameout and enjoyed!! there are many NEW things happening with make a change. we have ordered new merch that becca will be desinging and working on, we should have some done by tour time! the tour with these hearts is looking pretty rad for all of you out there in minnesota, we hope you comeout for it!! ALSO we have a couple of shows comming up, MAy 28th, june 12th, and june 15th so be checkin out the site for those shows! we cant wait to present our new tees and things we have comming up! be on the lookout!!! :D
- kayla, makeachange.
May 06 -09
Hey guys, its Kayla! Everything went super well with the parable, thank you for ALL who came out to support the local bands alongside our ministry! we are going to try to continue parable so that YOU local bands can be gettin some sick shows at the element! we are currently getting ready for lisa and sarah's graduation, rebecca is busy working on new tee shirt designs, and also videos from our shows! i have been up to booking our tour with These Hearts for the first week of june and we are super stoked! i hope you can all come to a city that we will be in and hangout! we would love to meet and talk with you, that would be super rad! god is doing incredible things, we are being totally blessed and just want to thank all of you again for the support! we love you a ton!!! - kayla
April 22nd 09
We are all super stoked for our first Parable! By doing shows like Parable this allows local bands to play shows and get their bands name out there more! We are currently planning our summer tour(s) and Rebecca is designing some sweet new T-shirt designs (Let us know if you have ideas!) Our April 19th show was awesome, God moved in great ways! As a team we are all getting some summer fever and ready for school to get out and just share Christ's love :) We will keep on keeping you updated :) With all of Christ's love, Lisa! MAC :)
April 15th,2009
we are all super busy right now with school, work, and some cool church things. there is a new soup kitchen opened up in bismarck that im gonna be able to start volunteering at actually starting tomorrow. im really grateful because it opens up my heart to learn so much more about community and the needs of others. we are putting on a show friday that we are just really stoked for. God is really cool, he disciplines us and is teaching us. more later (: -kaylaMAC
Feb. 24th,2009
Things have been going really good within our team, God is growing each of us girls individually, and bringing us closer as a team, through really neat ideas! Weve been brainstorming about so many thins God has called us to put forth for this ministry! we want to let people know that our ministry, is NOT only doing shows, in fact, we want that to just be a fraction of our mission. we would like to start doing more worship nights, hangout nights, outreaches in different cities, and meeting with whoever needs weekly. also we would like to start a 5 day a week texting DARE, where we would send out encouragement, and dares of positivity & faith, 5 days a week! those are some of the cool things God has placed on our hearts, and were so excited! Pray God moves within the hearts of each girl on this team and that there would be no division within our mission! although individually that there would be, so God could bless each of us with different unique ideas for the ministry! May it be all of Him, and Him using us, to show more & more of the Kingdom, upon the earth! hope all is well! God rules (: -kayla
Feb 16,2009
God has been so wonderfully faithful! right now we are just working on getting more organized and booking super legit shows for all of YOU! we also would like to be doing random like game nights or fun nights to just hangout and talk, let you guys get to know our team, and let our team get to know YOU! (: we love you a freakin ton, were always here, please talk, we are overly willing to listen! (:
Feb 8th, 2009
So God has fricken blessed us incredibly! There has been an overload of love and blessings just pouring in from everywhere! thanks to all the bands who have been SO supportive of our ministry, and all of YOU who come out for our shows! we superly feel like Gods calling us on tour this summer and your making that possible. i pray we continue to speak through the holy spirit, i pray you guys continue commin and hangin out, cause its such a good time and a wonderful thing for us, doing shows. we have our next show on WEDNESDAY, the 11th. our team of lisa, rebecca, me and sarah has been just growing SO close together in Christ! prayer has been HUGE! and were so friggen stoked! - kayla
Jan 26,2009
Just an update with what has been happening with M.A.C. Lately.. God has been faithful! as a team, we are all individually learning sweet, incredible things right now, and im so stoked on that! Gods hyped about the show comming up on the 6th and i cant freakin wait! may He already be preparing hearts for the freeekin sweet music and love of Christ that shall be shown! God has given us His shalom.. which in definition means His peace, and love, safety and health..ect how freakin incredible is that! do you realize that Christ is perfect and he gives us HIS shalom, which means we are offored his perfect peace love joy..ect oh my gosh thats so freakin sweet! we love every single one of you! GET STOKED! :D - kayla
Dec. 26th, 2008
God has MOVED! I am incredibly stoked that we took this month off to listen to the heart of CHRIST! He has poured into us more than imaginable which is totally awesome cause he promises us in the word that he is able to do more than we can immmeasureably ask or imagine! wow i am so happy, God you are incredible and amazing and God you WILL use this ministry! Father Jesus, your plans are perfect and true! :D SO STOKED!!!! - kayla
Dec 9,2008
We felt like the Lord wanted us to take a month off from doing or even booking shows, so we submitted, and it has been wonderful! God has begun a new work in us, as a team and we are so excited about it!God has personally beeing showing EACH one of our team members sweet things and new ideas for our ministry /shows!man... God rules when talkin to Him today... i was bummin, felt like something was just missing or that i lately have just been kinda lost and like i told him, i felt really really LOST. but it was cool cause not only did he tell me not to worry but he gave me scripture which was:For where your treasure is, there your heart is also Matthew 6:21and He showed me that my treasure is this ministry its every single one of you personally that i just want to love upon, every single second i can!its my love its my life and its completely where my heart is fufilled!so just so you know, God is doin big things in our hearts and we are SO stoked to be back doin shows in January!you all rule, and we love you more than you know! but there is a God who completely loves you fully! Child, it is my DESIRE to lavish my Love upon you 1 John 3:1 -Kayla

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

For Shows, Please message with Subject title: Kayla
(: thanks!

Make A Change was started in 2006, after Kayla Wiese saw the world of teens being destroyed by depression. She though of a plan to create a website where kids could come and share what they were going through with her, thinking she could also possibly relate. It became successful and she was connecting with so many teens, that she asked her best friend, Sarah Marquardt to be an online counselor with her. In 2007 the first Make A Change show was launched and kids became even more connected to Make A Change after the benefit of the concert going towards the God’s Child Project. They decided to begin putting on more shows in the area, and speaking about the things they had both been through that helped lead them to finding their faith in Jesus Christ. In 2008, two more members were added to the M.A.C team Lisa Makedonski, and Rebecca Power. The 4 girls continue counseling kids online, meeting with students weekly & putting on concerts in the Bismarck area. Their hope is to travel and connect even more students to a place they can come for help. Their main desire with the ministry for the future is to “let God’s will be done.”

Proverbs 11:14
Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory :)

we are here to talk with you.

Thessalonians 5:14-15
"We urge you fellow Christians, Warn those who are disorderly, Cheer up those who are discouraged, Help the Weak, Be Patient with Everyone. Dont let anyone pay back wrong for wrong, but always be eager to help one another and everyone..."

THIS is for YOU.
if there is somethin going on that you need advice for, prayer for, someone to just listen to you, DO NOT hesitate to send us a message. we love you alot and want to be people you can turn to!

Speaking in Brainerd, MN on MAC TOUR 09

My Blog

We love YOU

for real.We intended make a change to be soley for listening and sharing with shows has just been another way of reaching out, and meeting new people to try and bless.God has been doing...
Posted by on Tue, 05 May 2009 18:24:00 GMT

Need a Church to go to??

Here are the churches that we attend in bismarcklet us know if you have any questions or want to talk about which church would be sweet for you! (:Church Services that we attend!!NewSong Youth Group  ...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Apr 2009 19:58:00 GMT


If anyone is interested in sending their testimony to us, we would love to put it on here!  It can either be anonymous or it can have your name! -------------------------------------------------------...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 21:22:00 GMT

Receiving Jesus meant to me...

I love my lifei love this lifei love this incredible, daily joy and love that i receive from my heavenly Father. its insane.its brand newits pure and truth wow you guys, i am so wrapped up in His crea...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Dec 2008 04:34:00 GMT

His Presence!

Cant Get Away, by Rush of Fools And I, can't get away, can't get away Can't get away, can't get away, I Can't get away, can't get away I keep running into you Can't get away, can't get away Can't get...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 02:26:00 GMT

October 08 NEWS!

Hey guys, these past few months and throughout the summer have just been incredible for M.A,C. we have gotten to meet SO many different people and gotten to share our hearts with people we have known ...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 02:49:00 GMT

a show of LOVE.

1 John 3:18 Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. wether christian or not, wether athiest or not, wether muslim or not, we are all humans. we all deserve h...
Posted by on Thu, 08 May 2008 15:48:00 GMT


2 Timothy 4:7- I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. If you have a faith and a relationship with jesus christ, please dont waste it. please dont take it for g...
Posted by on Sat, 26 May 2007 00:30:00 GMT

Make a change news (old)

so we just ordered a shipment of 50 bracelets in! they are so awesome! and we have been selling them good so far! they are $2.50 plus any donation, and trust me, the donations mean so much. we are jus...
Posted by on Mon, 14 May 2007 19:49:00 GMT

the lowdown

alright so there is something you all need to know. and its the love of jesus christ, its eternal. i dont think you realize how real it is, how genuine his love is for you. a kid told me tonight he t...
Posted by on Wed, 09 May 2007 22:01:00 GMT