Heya, I'm Nathan or Nate, whichever you want. I go to King Edwards Sixth Form and study German, Art and English Language. It's not really that good, and to be honest, going to King Edwards was one of the worst decision I've ever made. It's so unorganised and has motivated me to stop wanting to follow a path of education, which means no more Uni. On the social side however, I love the place. I adore my friends, they mean so much to me and they know they do, or at least they should. There's not really any of that "you're a Myers, we hate you!" anymore, though there may have been a little of that to begin with. Everyone kind of just smiles to each other now, which is always nice.I'm going to have to try to get everyone to hug more often. I hug everyone, and I mean everyone lol. Ask Dawson about the strange woman in town, I think she thought I was going to rape her. Anyway lol, education almost over. Doesn't mean I'll get good grades, but the journey has been pretty entertaining. Wonder what next year will hold.I'll miss people when they move away, why don't people think about me? :(