NFL - Oakland Raiders. NBA - L.A. Lakers. WWE. A good movie, esp comedy. But pretty much nothing tops good times with good friends.
Tanisha brought it to my attention that this part means "Who do you want to meet on Myspace?" I thought it meant "Who do you want to meet in life." So to clear things up, I don't intend to meet my future wife on Myspace. I would like to meet her in life, or know who she is if I already know her. As far as Myspace goes, I'd like to find friends that I haven't talked to in years along with the friends I have now. I'm not too interested in meeting new people on Myspace, but I'm not against it either. Send me a message, I'll respond.
Favorite genres are Comedy and HorrorFav movies of all time (not in any particular order): Beetlejuice, Great Outdoors, Ladybugs, La Bamba, My Fellow Americans, A Christmas Story, Zoolander, In & Out, Star Wars Trilogy(ies), Scream TrilogyFav recent movies (see above parenthesis): Dodgeball, Anchorman, Napoleon Dynamite,The two worst movies that I have (regretably) ever seen: A Knight's Tale, From Justin to Kelly (I swear, it started as a joke)
Let's see what's on my DVR (similar to tivo). WWE programming (Raw, Smackdown!, and ECW). South Park. The Simpsons. Family Guy. American Dad. King of the Hill. Psych (on the USA network). The Colbert Report (Comedy Central). The War At Home. And a new show called The Whitest Kids U Know (on the Fuse cable network).
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Jesus. People who don't give up. Non-hippies