The Ray: The (Soon-To-Be) Sailor profile picture

The Ray: The (Soon-To-Be) Sailor

I'm accelerating my life. GO NAVY!

About Me

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I'm Ray. I live in La Puente with my Dad, Grandma, and baby brother. I work in Pico Rivera for a company called AP Express (the AP stands for Accelerated Priority, and I get to drive a forklift!). Gaw, I don't know what else to put. I'm just updating this thing because I just read it and realized how out of date all the info was. If you wanna know, just ask me. And my AIM is Raydocious. I'm on that occasionally.

My Interests

NFL - Oakland Raiders. NBA - L.A. Lakers. WWE. A good movie, esp comedy. But pretty much nothing tops good times with good friends.

I'd like to meet:

Tanisha brought it to my attention that this part means "Who do you want to meet on Myspace?" I thought it meant "Who do you want to meet in life." So to clear things up, I don't intend to meet my future wife on Myspace. I would like to meet her in life, or know who she is if I already know her. As far as Myspace goes, I'd like to find friends that I haven't talked to in years along with the friends I have now. I'm not too interested in meeting new people on Myspace, but I'm not against it either. Send me a message, I'll respond.


Favorite genres are Comedy and HorrorFav movies of all time (not in any particular order): Beetlejuice, Great Outdoors, Ladybugs, La Bamba, My Fellow Americans, A Christmas Story, Zoolander, In & Out, Star Wars Trilogy(ies), Scream TrilogyFav recent movies (see above parenthesis): Dodgeball, Anchorman, Napoleon Dynamite,The two worst movies that I have (regretably) ever seen: A Knight's Tale, From Justin to Kelly (I swear, it started as a joke)


Let's see what's on my DVR (similar to tivo). WWE programming (Raw, Smackdown!, and ECW). South Park. The Simpsons. Family Guy. American Dad. King of the Hill. Psych (on the USA network). The Colbert Report (Comedy Central). The War At Home. And a new show called The Whitest Kids U Know (on the Fuse cable network).


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Jesus. People who don't give up. Non-hippies

My Blog

Last Words Before Navy Boot Camp

As I type this, it is less than 11 hours until my recruiter picks me up from home and I don't return for at least 2 months.  And it is as I type this that I am feeling just about every possible e...
Posted by The Ray: The (Soon-To-Be) Sailor on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 03:50:00 PST


NOTE: I just finished writing this blog and it turned out to be a lot longer than I anticipated.  It's a long read.  You may just want to think about printing it out and reading it or copyin...
Posted by The Ray: The (Soon-To-Be) Sailor on Sun, 10 Aug 2008 01:56:00 PST

Sports Blog: NBA Playoffs/Finals Useless Facts

Here is a list of useless but interesting information regarding the NBA Playoffs, specifically, the NBA Finals.- With both the Lakers and Spurs playing in the Western Conference Finals, it guarantees ...
Posted by The Ray: The (Soon-To-Be) Sailor on Sun, 25 May 2008 01:24:00 PST

Classic Ray blog 2: You Know Youre "The Ray" When...

This blog was originally posted on October 21st, 2005.  Due to the interactive nature of this blog, I will also add selected comments to this blog.  I also encourage my readers to add new co...
Posted by The Ray: The (Soon-To-Be) Sailor on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 10:03:00 PST

I Have The Greatest Friends Ever (Birthday Blog)

Aren't you jealous? Seriously though, thanks to the whole gang that surprised be at BJ's last night for my birthday.  Nobody has ever done anything like that for my birthday and it really meant a...
Posted by The Ray: The (Soon-To-Be) Sailor on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 02:03:00 PST

Ive Been Tagged

I've been tagged!  And not even with that TAG body spray that makes chicks go crazy and tackle you and... do other things to you too.  Now I just have to fill out a stupid survey. ...
Posted by The Ray: The (Soon-To-Be) Sailor on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 12:11:00 PST

Classic Blog 1

This blog was originally posted under the title: Random Ray Story. WARNING: Not For the Weak of Stomach   It's Tuesday, July 17th, 2002.  That's right, it's my first day at my new job at Von...
Posted by The Ray: The (Soon-To-Be) Sailor on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 11:22:00 PST

Yet Another New Survey

Ten Things About You 1. Are you in a relationship?: Many, none romantic though.2. Are you happy?: Umm, happy to be home after an 11 hour day at work, yeah3. Are you bored: How can I be bored with mys...
Posted by The Ray: The (Soon-To-Be) Sailor on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 12:01:00 PST

New Survey

01.YOU HAVE 10 BUCKS AND NEED TO BUY SNACKS AT A GAS STATION. WHAT DO YOU GET? I could spend a lot of time on this one.  Just ask Aaron or Brian about ampm after midnight 02. IF YOU WERE REINCARN...
Posted by The Ray: The (Soon-To-Be) Sailor on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 01:12:00 PST

My "not the best of weeks" week + Super Bowl prediction

I'm not going to be all overdramatic and say this was "THE WORST WEEK EVER OMG!", but I've had better.   It started off Sunday night.  I had a couple friends over to watch the Royal Rumble o...
Posted by The Ray: The (Soon-To-Be) Sailor on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 06:24:00 PST