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Myspace Contact Tablesmy name is karl i live in northern minnesota im dating this person really important to me her name is Angel i love her soo much, always be there for her. i play bass love 80's metal not this new fucking shit trying to sound like a bunch of "dont fuck with me" type guys heres example --many metal core bands many other bands with gay ass names like "five finger death punch" "the fucking champs" i remember when metal was just metal not trying to sund "tough" like black sabbath, blue oyster cult, ironmaiden, motorhead, w.a.s.p, testament, helloween, sepultura, anthrax, twisted sister, quiet riot, ozzy osbourne, rainbow, dio, etc those were the days. now
Lets get into some of the things i support and some of the things i dont. I support cannibalism, abortion, same sex marriage, killing as long as its provoked (i considered killing somone under provoction isnt murder). reason i support cannibalism is becuase animals eat other animals its nature. say you were walking in the desert or anywhere with someone stranded 100's of miles away from the nearest food place you cant go any further without food or water...what do you do? keep going and try to make it without food or water and most likey die....or kill your partner and eat him so you can survive and drink his blood to keep hydrated? i would go with eating him more of a chance of survival. i support abortion becuase to me its not murder though the baby is growing int he womb doesnt mean it is doesnt have a head, it only has legs, it doesnt have a brain, its not alive!! same sex marriage...if two people love eachother i believe they should get married...and this shit with christians saying it shouldnt be allowed cuz its against god...yeah it should SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE DUMB FUCKS!! i say provoked killing isnt murder its more of they didnt want to live very much cuz otherwise they wouldnt have provoked you. i am against people who download music for free, people say "musicians make enough money" they make wages just like us, if you download music for free, try touring for days on end, play at a venue then travel again, writing lyrics, and comming up with kick ass tunes then see how much fun it is for the musicians who dont get a single penny for their hard work. i am against people who say "if every nation got rid of their military there would be world peace" that is the biggest amount of BULLSHIT i have ever heard, seriously if everyone got rid of their military one nation or more would be forming an underground militia every nation would be fucked all would belong to one nation, and we would all have to gain independance again. i am against people who say "this is a free country why cant we do anything we want?" think about it, by "free" we mean we arent belonging to another nation, we are our own nation, i am proud to be american, you can hunt me down go after me all you want but I LOVE THIS COUNTRY!!! i thank all the men and women who served in our military, i am proud they had the balls to go off and fight for us and for them, they may not have wanted to go to war but they still fought for us. everyone who is an american and not proud to be can kiss my ass!! i despise those who blame the media/metaphores/other people for everything, "their music is telling me to kill" or "i learned how to kill from this game"-- " the devil tempted me to do it" "if i didnt hang out with these people i would have never started smoking pot its their fault for doing it first to make me do it" its no one elses fault but your own, take blame for your own actions, we learn from others but we dont learn from their mistakes, we learn from ours, you can stop your self from doing the things you dont want to do, just because a lyric says "kill kill kill" doesnt mean you go off and kill listen to the rest of the song and you will see, "suicide solution" perfect example, it isnt syaing go and kill yourself, its telling you there are others going through the same exact shit as you are at the moment work it out, you dont have to kill your self, if you do interpret it differently your fucking stupid to think that music, video games, television is all telling you to kill your self or go out and kill or go out and rape or anything, its your own damn fault you have the power to stop yourself so dont go blaming people left and right for your own actions