My biggest fear is heights but the thing i wanna do most is skydive, (im an adreniline junkie), im lookin into becoming a saturation diver when i get older, but i am also looking into becoming a police officer and a parimedic...
anyone who has a good sense of humor and can make me laugh. appreciates me for who i am. and is just an allout good personI am 37% White Trash.
. The white trash in my blood will not keep me from becoming a doctor or a lawyer, but it will keep me from a good haircut and any sort of fashion sense. Take the
White Trash Test
@ FualiDotCom
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brad paisley is good, rodney atkins, some johnny cash, toby keith, metallica, acdc, and im discovering that celtic music is really amazing and relaxing
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts
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anything that is amusing, but stupid drama movies and romances are really ephing lame!!!!
Simpsons, Family guy, futurama, south park, american choppers, mythbusters, MXC(crazy ass chinese people rule!!!), reality shows kick ass!
anything that stephen king wrote and paul, something(forgot his last name).
If you played rugby and I was your coach, what position would I put you at?
Number 8
You are the most important member of the pack of forwards.You have the responsibility of keeping things tight at the back of the scrum.One slip and you could lose posession.However, you are also reasonably fit and must be relied on to make bracing runs up the field.
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My heroes are the ones that fight for our rights and our freedom that arent recongnized for the good doings that they do for our country that noone seems to realize